XXVII. Mecklenberg

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Spending too much time with Fanny brought Sophia a different sort of dilemma. What the housekeeper lacked in the skill of cooking she compensated in her skill of persuasion. In fact, she did it too subtly that before Sophia realized it, she had already given Fanny enough information to draw a conclusion as to why she was under Nicholas' protection and why she was thrown in Puck.

Many times Fanny tried to ask her what was it she was hiding—also very subtly—but Sophia had by then mastered the housekeeper's wicked ways.

Yet there were days when Fanny would simply ask, "Why will you not give Lord Nick what he wants, dear?"

Today was amongst those days.

And like she always did since she discovered how effective it was, Sophia simply sighed.

Fanny was kneading something for dinner, probably bread which would not taste like bread. Sophia shook her head with a smile knowing Fanny was not done with her questions. "Why not tell him the truth so you can be free?"

"You mean so you can return to Wickhurst?" she retorted in a teasing tone.

She could picture Fanny with narrowed her eyes filled with warning. "Never think I am in want to leave you, my dear. I have grown rather quite fond of you." Sophia heard something roll on the table and crashed on the floor. She saw Fanny's shadow disappear under the table and reappeared soon after with a long rod of bread roller. "Now, tell me, child, why will you not tell him? Is the truth too much of import that you cannot tell his lordship?"

Sophia smiled patiently. "You have been a good companion, Fanny, but my problems are my own." She did not wish to hurt the woman's feelings so she added, "Should I tell Nicholas the truth, I am afraid my brother's plans will be ruined. He has worked so hard to be where he is now. There is no point telling his lordship anything about Marcus or his plans for they do not have anything to do with the Everards or anyone else close to them. My brother's goal is purely personal."

Fanny paused in her work.

"And he does not believe me," Sophia uttered, standing to her feet. "I believe I have ruined whatever trust he had for me."

"You leave me very curious of your past with his lordship, dear Sophia."

Sophia chuckled. "Now that is something I can never tell you, Fanny."

Fanny chuckled and when her laughter died down, she said, "Lord Nick may be more than what you expect him to be. He may understand you."

Sophia only smiled and turned to go back to her chamber. She was tired of thinking. Marcus had not come for her yet.

Probably Nicholas was correct. Marcus may never find her in Puck.


It had been quite long since Nicholas visited Grey's with his brothers. In most days, it had been naught but his brothers-in-law.

Tonight, however, Maxwell and Ralph joined him for a drunken night just like the nights before everyone became occupied with their Town Guard duties and married lives.

Although he knew he ought to be grateful his brothers remembered that Grey's still existed, he knew why his brothers took a night off their precious lives.

He gazed at the two men dryly. The other was big with long hair that reached his shoulders wearing his typical cynical look. The other was younger, smaller but sat with an alert mien consistent with a Town Guard's stance. He sighed. Maxwell had not changed at all while Ralph did in so many ways. But both looked determined to discuss an important matter and he was angry, even furious, knowing he'd be called a fool for being involved in a serious matter that involved the Guards and the League.

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