IX. Claims

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The awkward silence that followed was deafening, causing Nicholas to clear his throat not merely twice but a few times.

Yet it seemed that Sophia was the one in control as she stood to her feet with a nonchalant expression on her face, as though their previous topic was less serious than it truly was. He maintained his serious mien, still uncertain how much she could see or read on his face. It was better to assume that she could read his mind.

"I shall have another visitor on the morrow." Her voice was calm and collected. Nicholas wondered if she had rehearsed what to say should they reach their current arrangement. "You ought to come early and wait for me to call for you. By then, you shall have the chance to read the note my visitor shall leave behind before the receiver gets a hold of it."

Nicholas shook his head. "The letters shall be anonymous, yes?"

"I would not know for I have never laid eyes on any of them. I only know what Marcus tells me."

"Then I would want to know the men who come into your chamber. Rock'oles has many corridors and anyone of them could very well take any to enter and exit yours."

"I cannot possibly name them, but I can provide you with descriptions."

"Can you not put something on their clothes instead? Anything that will give me a sign."

She shook her head. "No. These men are very cautious. They will suspect it that moment I change my behavior toward them."

Her behavior toward them? That statement made Nicholas frown. "And what sort of behavior do you usually exhibit?"

She let out a mysterious smile meant to disarm and frustrate him further. "A mistress should not disclose secrets of her lovers—former or current."

His jaw tightened. Although he knew that Rock'oles women such as Sophia could not be exclusively owned, he still hated the thought of her with other men. And to think that he had not even bedded her yet! It was a troubling thought, but then, men never wanted to share anything, especially women.

"Very well," he said, feigning indifference. His eyes landed on the familiar black cat licking its fur on the chaise. He frowned and asked, "May I inquire who that is?" he asked, pointing at the feline, glad to have spotted something to discuss.

Sophia followed his gaze and narrowed her eyes at the black cat. "You mean Brigid?"

Nicholas stepped forward until he was beside Sophia and bent down, his hands leaning on his thighs. He studied the cat closely and his eyes rounded when he saw its bright green eyes. "I am quite certain this is Mrs. Beagle."

"Mrs. Beagle? Whatever do you mean, my lord?"

"It is bloody Mrs. Beagle!" He exclaimed the words in such a way that caused the cat to jump off the chaise and scurry under the bed. The white dog stood alert in one corner, starting to growl.

"You are scaring my pets, my lord," Sophia sternly uttered, walking over to her dog to give it a calming pat. "And who is Mrs. Beagle?"

"My sisters' pet," he distractedly murmured, walking to the bed and dropping to the floor. "You!" he said to the cat as its glowing eyes turned to him, "You are coming home with me, you wench of a cat!"

"My lord!" Sophia gasped.

"This bloody feline has been disappearing every month from the Everard estate since I can remember and now I know where it disappears to!" he said over his shoulder before he again bent his head against the floor. "Mrs. Beagle, come out at once. You are wanted in the Everard estate. You are the most ungrateful, unfaithful leech I have ever met!"

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