Niall **SAD**

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Song For This Chapter- Whiskey Lullaby By Brad Paisley Feat. Alison Krauss

*Niall's Pov*

I downed another shot of Whiskey, the images still fresh in my mind. It's been a year. A motherfucking year since she cheated on me. A year of pain. And I can't seem to get over it. See? I'm drunk and I can't forget. I loved her. I loved her with all my heart, and she cheats. She shatters my heart like it's not worth anything. Fuck it. I'm done. I paid the bartender before storming out of the bar, getting in my car. And with that, I drove home. Not MY home,  but (Y/N) and I's old house. I knew she wouldn't be there, we both couldn't handle the memories. Once I got there, I unlocked the door and went in. Tears welled in my eyes as memories came flooding back. Not just the happy ones.


(Y/N) giggled as I chased her around the couch and all over the house.

"I'll catch you sooner or later, Princess!"I  yelled as I hopped over the couch and pulled her into me. She bit her lip as I pecked her nose.

"I love you, Ni."She smiled, pecking me on the lips.

"I love you, too. Forever and Always."I spoke truthfully, nuzzling my head into her neck.

"Forever is a long time."She smiled.

"Forever isn't long enough to descrjbe how long I'll love you, (Y/N). It's WAY too short."

**End Of Flashback**

The first time we exchanged 'I Love You's. I smiled at the thought, wanting to just keep it on replay. I suddenly let out a sob as a new, bad memory replaced the good one.

**Another Flashback**

I heard moans and giggling come from the bedroom.

"No. No, No, No! God no, please." Tears cascaded down my face as I shook my head. I slowly opened the door to (Y/N) and my room, gasping at the sight.

"(Y/N)?" I whispered in disbelief, seeing as she was under a boy whom I'd never seen before.

"Ni?! I thought you weren't coming home until next week!" She yelped, shoving the boy off.

"It was a surprise.."I shook my head," Bug it looks like I won't be needing this anymore."

I pulled the square box out of my pocket and tossed it on the floor by her feet as she stood up with a sheet covering her.

Tears were sliding down her cheeks as she opened the box, seeing the engagement ring I bought, thinking we could live happily ever after. I scoffed at the thought, more like happily NEVER after.

**Flashback Over**

I pulled a bottle of Whiskey out of the cupboard, opening it and taking a swig.

**Play Song Now**

By the time I'd drank the rest, I knew I was wasted. No one would even miss me. Especially not her. After all, I did cut everyone off from my life. I pulled the gun we kept for emergencies and pressed the barrel to my head as I wrote the note.

Dear (Y/N),

     If you happen to get this, I love you Princess. Forever And Always, and after that. Remember when we first said 'I love you'? I was sure we both meant it, but you proved me wrong. I gave you my trust, my heart, and what did you give me? Heartbreak, pain, and sadness. But this isn't your fault. This was my decision, and the gun is againt my head right now, my finger on the trigger. Please, don't blame yourself. It's my fault. I should've been over you by now. But I was so whipped, I spent 1 year, 3 months, and 7 days crying over that incident. Crying over the day I lost you. The day you ripped my heart to shreds. But I guess this is goodbye? Well, at least until next time. Until the day you have grandchildren, a wonderful husband who deserves you, and a happy life that I don't deserve to have with you. Well, I love you, Princess. Again, My love will last forever. You won't be able to see me, but I'll be right beside you, love.

                                 Forever Yours,

                                    Nialler xxxxx

With that, I layed down on the bed and set the note on the bedside table. Goodbye (Y/N). And I pulled the trigger.

*Your Pov*

You were wasted when you got the phone call.


"Ms.(Y/L/N)?"A voice asked.

"Yes? Who is this?" You sobered up a bit.

"This is Officer Reynolds, I've called to inform you of your boyfriend, Nia-"

"Ex-Boyfriend."You corrected.

"Ex-boyfriend, Niall Horan has committed suicide. If you could come by the Police Department tomorrow, he's left a note for you." He spoke. You gasped in surprise, tears already forming.

"No, please, there must be a mistake?" You demanded, your voice cracking.

"I'm very sorry for your loss Ma'am."

You hung up. The next day you read the note, crying until you didn't have anumore tears. You planned the funeral with his family, even though they hated your guts. You had him buried underneath the willow where you had your first kiss. They knew it was your fault their Niall died. You agreed. You started a drinking habit, and was wasted every night until you decided to end it, just like Niall. You shot yourself in the head, laying down in the exact spot he'd done it. You wrote a note to family about how you were going to a better place, just to be with Niall and how you want to buried beside Niall.

And this time, you wouldn't mess it up.


I don't know about you, but I cried while writing this. :'(

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