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Yush, I know this is a turn of events, but if you like Danisnotonfire, AKA Daniel Howell (known as Dan), you'd understand. Therefore, here is your imagine @ReadTheProfilePic! (CHECK HER OUT)


Dan's POV

"Hello Internet!"I waved,"Today, we're going to be talking abo-"

"Dan!"Phil interrupted,"We're meeting up with Alex and her friend!"

"Yeah, because I totally wasn't making another video for my Danosaurs."I said sarcastically. Well, that and I wasn't exactly a 'people person'.

"C'mon Dan! You need to get out of the house before you start to look like Voldemort! Harry Potter.."Phil quoted his recent video, 'Lost At The Mall ;_;',"Save yourself! I'm already cursed!"

"Phil, I do get out of the house. You're too busy playing Mario Cart to realize this."I laugh. Phil huffed and marched into my room.

"Don't make me call your mum."Phil threatened.

"Great, so I'll call your mum, and she and I will reenact what we did last night."I said. May I just say, his face was PRCELESS!

"Ew.. Just.. Ew.."Phil shuddered,"Now get ready!"

"Fine, mum."I laughed. Phil rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. Ugh. Now to get ready for a little get-together with Phil's girlfriend, Alex, and Alex's friend, who I'm just going to assume is a girl.

**At The Cinemaaaaaaaa**

"Alex!"Phil yelled, but to say he was madly in love with her is an understatement.

"Phil!"She screeched, her electric blue eyes shining as she ran into Phil's arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Mr. and Mrs. CHEESY-COUPLE!"I joke, recieving death glares.

And that mystery girl's giggle..

"Uhh.. Dan, this is my BFFL, Glitter."

"Glitter?"I ask, amused of the name, yet immensely interested.

"Yeah, got a problem?"Glitter smirked.

"No! No, not at all! It's just.. you have a very unique name.."I was quick to answer, not wanting to make a bad impression on our first da- What. The. Fuck. Remind me to mentally slap myself later.

"Hmm.. unique? That's a word you don't hear often. Especially when it comes to my name."Glitter smiled. Meanwhile, Phil and Alex were.. I don't even know. Probably swapping spit?

"Well, Glitter, I have a feeling this is the start of a very special friendship."I smile.

**Three Months Later**

Glitter's POV

From: Phil The Lion-Lover.. RAWR

Glitter? Can u come over? Dan's upset, and Idk what 2 do.. ~Phillip xxx

I frowned at the text. My best friend wasn't all happy-go-lucky like he always was?

From: Glitta Gallll XOXO

Uhh.. sure? B there in a few -Glittaaaaaaa XOX

I slipped my phone into my pocket and grabbed my keys. Once I got to Dan and Phil's apartment that they shared, I ran straight to Dan's room, not bothering to say hi to Phil. I know, rude old me.. oh who am I kidding?! That's very normal. 0-0

"Dan?"I ask, knocking on the door of his room.

"G-Glitter?"Dan's croaky voice asked, muffled from the door.

"Yeah,"I replied before opening the door. There sat Dan, head in his hands,"Dan, are you okay?"

"No."Dan muttered,"You should know.."

"What? How am I supposed to know what's wrong?!"I questioned, baffled.

"Don't act like you don't know!"Dan growled.

"I'm not acting!"I shouted,"Maybe if you'd just tell me-"

What I hadn't noticed as I was talking, was that Dan had gotten up and stormed over to me.

"I love you!"He pushed me up against the wall,"Yet, you get a boyfriend! I loved you first! I need you! You're my everything! And you can't see that!"

"I-I.."I stutter, dumbfounded,"I don't have a boyfriend..?"

"Yeah, sure. That's why Alex totally lied to me and said you had one."Dan scoffed.

"Dan!"I smile."I have a friend that's a boy! She meant I had a boy-friend."

"W-what?"He gulped loudly,"So I just confessed my love for you?"

"Yes,"I laugh.

"Oh, my god.."He started to ramble,"I'm so so-"

I cut him off with a kiss.

"Don't be sorry! I've had feelings for you ever since we met!"I grin.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"He asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Yes."I smash our lips together.

*Five years later*

Dan proposed 2 years later. I had a baby girl 2 years after that, and now, Dan and I have a healthy one-year-old girl. And I may or may not be pregnant again..

Ok, I am, but Dan doesn't know yet. I'm trying to think of a way to tell him. It was reeaaaalllllyyy hard the first time, but now, what if its too much??? What if he leaves us?

"Babe, are you okay?"Dan's voice broke me from my thoughts.

"Yeah.."I smile. He nods.

"I have to get ready for work now,"He informs. I nod and leave the room. I see Delilah giggling in her crib. My IPad was laying in the chair by her crib.

That's it!

A plan forms in my head as I download a new app. I grin and get up, walking over to Dan and My Bedroom. I click on the ultrasound app and hold the IPad in front of where my womb is. Tears come to my eyes as I knock on the door and slowly open it.

"Gli-"he cuts himself off as the his face brightens and tears spring to his eyes,"Again?"

I nod, biting my lip.

And that brings us to now. A bubbly baby boy named Aaron laying peacefully asleep in my arms.



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