Chapter 41-50

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Chapter 41 Encephalon

Chang knew Yixuan during the "Deadly evolution" period, he was one of the chiefs who were responsible for the captain's meals, and during this special period, he became one of the leaders of the commissariat department.

It was quite a coincidence for Chang to meet Yixuan; when Chang and his friends were cooking the snake in the kitchen a few days ago, Yixuan happened to drop by the kitchen. And because they had different reasons of coming to the kitchen, they only had a quick chat. On the same day, they decided on an agreement of exchanging food – Chang exchanged the excess snake meat for 15 pieces of hardtack.

It was a beneficial trade for both sides; Chang wanted storable food and Yixuan wanted protein. It was also a win-win exchange, although 15 pieces of hardtack weren't usually worth the amount of snake meat that he offered to Yixuan. Chang completely understood the reason behind such depreciation – the snake meat would become inedible in two hours; it was instead a fortune for them to find someone willing to take the meat in time.

Yixuan was a kind man.

Therefore, Chang took the initiation to find Yixuan after the first exchange.

"Hey buddy, see what I got this time?" Chang walked into the kitchen and deliberately made a big smile to attempt to raise the value of his prey. "Chicken! I got a chicken! How long has it been since you had chicken? Unlike the snake, this is something we usually had before the red fog, can we exchange this for more hardtack?"

"Chicken? Great! Great!" Yixuan kept looking at the chicken in Chang's hand, his eyes couldn't move away from the blood dripping chicken and he praised "You are really an expert, you succeeded twice in one week! The soldiers in my troop can't even achieve that."

"Pure luck. How is our deal? The chicken weighs at least 25 kilograms, I can share 15 kilograms with you but I want 5 kilograms of hardtacks in return" Chang lifted the chicken to the counter and asked.

"5 kilograms? That is a little too much...although the chicken weighs over 25 kilograms, but the edible portion is way below than that. Not to mention the meat is not storable, if you want some dry food, the 2:1 ratio is not fair enough. You have to know there isn't that many pieces of hardtacks left in the military either." Yixuan spoke with a soft tone, he was a kind man even when he was bargaining, his attitude seemed exceptionally sincere.

However, Chang wasn't buying it. He risked his life for this chicken, and this chicken, could keep someone alive —

"Don't fool me, even though the hardtack is more preservable compared to the chicken, they will still grow mold eventually; it's better to trade them with me before I regret." Chang's brows furrowed and made a face of the stingy businessmen he had seen in the market. He continued to argue "In the 15 kilograms of chicken I'll give you, at least more than 12 kilograms are edible. I believe, you do understand that consuming protein will help you regain strength faster than those who had plants and vegetables only. This is how powerful protein is!"

"Besides, don't tell me bullsh*t like chicken meat is not preservable; there are more than a thousand soldiers in this base, 15 kilograms is far from enough to feed these people. So telling me how chicken is not storable is total nonsense to me, this deal is beneficial to you in any ways. No bargain!"

"Well, well." Yixuan looked at the chicken, he grinned. "Forget about it, I can give you this amount of hardtack only for the sake of chicken. Give me a minute."

As he was talking, he left the kitchen. And at the same time, Jing with Qing Shui and Pangzi showed up at the door.

"Jing told us that you guys got a chicken today." Qing Shui 's attention was directed to the chicken on the counter "What are you going to do with it?"

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