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Lance has never seen a place so beautiful in his life. Bright pink flowers covered the surface of any grass that was possible to see. He knew a lot about the bright creatures. He could probably name at least three kinds of flowers that grew in every city. Roses, bluebells, his personal favourite, and tulips in Balmera, daisy's, petunia's, and buttercups surrounded every inch of Arus, but he has never seen any as beautiful as these.

The country road seemed to last longer than the 2 miles the GPS said it was. He watched out the window intently, trying remember every detail of the coral flowers and farm land that zoomed by.

His dad, was in the front seat, humming a sweet song, and his Mom was cautiously keeping her eyes on the road. She was anxious, He could tell because her fingers tapped a repeated beat on the soft leather of the steering wheel. "Tap, taptap,tap." He looked down at his hands, which were rested softly on his lap. His fingers slowly started to follow his Mom's. "Tap, taptap, tap." He always thought he was more her than his dad. Same nose, same pointed chin, same overreacting mind. His sister though, who had her head against back of the seat, her hair was orange as orange can be and looked like flames against the stained window, was sound asleep. Pidge didn't really look like either of their parents, she was unique. Lance had always looked up to her. She was smart, strong minded, and had the kindest heart a person could have. She was short tempered though, but her bright smile made you forget all that. Her glasses were slowly slipping off her weary face. Softly, Lance pushed them back up onto the bridge of her nose.

They had turned off the beautiful road a while ago. He didn't have time to try and glance at the sign to read its name. He was too distracted by the stars above. Pidge was now awake, tired, but awake. They both traced patterns in the sky with their
hands, linking star to star. They both imagined the infinite possibilities that lie just at their finger tips. He could tell she was nervous, they were both trying to take their attention away from them going further and further from their  beloved home, and closer to their unknown new one.

Everyone was silent the whole way there. They were all silent as they unpacked only the necessities like food and blankets. They were all silent as we plopped down onto their sleeping bags in the new, empty, living room. His Mom and Dad fell asleep first. Their hands linked and faces content because they had finally made it "home". Pidge stayed up late reading. She reads when she is worried. He couldn't blame her, he was worried too. They had left everything behind. Everything. It was a new beginning for them. More for Lance as he vowed to himself he had left behind the old him. The suicidal thoughts, the scars up and down his wrists. He needed to make this new life work, not fuck it up like he always does.

He had to.


     •Authors note•
So this is my first fic ever so hopefully its okay? This small introduction is just to kind of give you an idea of Lances mind set and how everything in the first chapter started. 

So please enjoy and hopefully my first chapter will be up sometime next week!!

If there are any changes you would like me to make, just tell me, it would be greatly appreciated :)

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