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Sarah's POV.

Mom came back two days later. She was tired but looked cheerful as ever, she and my aunt were really good friends. From when my dad and mom separated, aunt may helped us a lot. She helped my mom to find a job and also to find a house to rent. Aunt may is really kind, she is my moms cousin sister, since my mom was the only child. Relatives help you a lot in times of hardship. My mom always says, 'help as much as you can, you never know who would come and help you in your hard times. Life can be unfair, unforgiving, unfortunate. It might even take away the things or people who you love the most away from you, but never forget that everything that happens has a reason. If one door closes, several other doors will open gradually, you just have to have the faith and belief'. That's why I love my mom so much.

She is the best person, she is kind, friendly, cheerful, and will always help me in times of my hardship. Every mother works hard to feed her children, to give her children a good future. A mother has more responsibilities than anyone else. Mothers have something special in them. Every woman has a kind heart, no matter how much she denies the fact, she knows she does.

Every mom thinks that her child is a blessing to her from god. And even if we have a fight with our mom we know that we cannot stay away from her. She is the most best person, anyone can ever have in their lives.

(A/N Guys! Happy Mother's Day! this chapter is really dedicated to our hard working and amazing mothers, who do so much for us! Give your mums a hug on this day and everyday and tell them that you love them, if you're angry with your mother then sit in peace and think for a while who started the fight and if she started it then she is in distress, talk to her and lighten things up. if you're away from your mother then call her on this day and twice or thrice a week and talk to her. She is your mother, and wherever you are, it is because of your mom and dad, remember that!)

I was sitting on my bed, with a book called 'lady midnight' in my hand, my head rested on the pillow and I lay on my back. This book really is interesting, it's cover is really catchy. Mom was out at work, and my cafe was closed cause their doing some renovation that's gonna take time to finish so our boss gave us holiday for the following two weeks. I crossed my legs as I sighed in peace and continued reading.

The door bell rang, I looked up from my book and scrunched my eyebrows, moms not gonna come until 6 and it's only 3 in the afternoon. I think it's Alex but he told me that he has work today so he would be busy. I kept my book back at the shelf and walked downstairs to the front door. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Did I know this guy? Who is he? In front of me stood a really good looking guy but not as good looking as Alex. He had a bouquet in his right hand, he was grinning at me. I narrowed my eyes in confusion.

"Yes? Do I know you?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side. I don't think I've even seen him in the neighborhood. Or anywhere in the whole town.

"No I'm new here I just moved in the house next to yours" he said, and I shaped my mouth in a 'o'. Well that's weird normally no one ever leaves this neighborhood.

"Hey I'm Nicholas" he said and held out his hand, as he grinned. I hesitated for a moment, I hate men! I hate men! I kept on chanting it like a mantra in my head and shook his hand.

"Sarah" I said. I smiled slowly.

"Nice, so Sarah can you show me where the grocery is my mom wants me to buy some stuff but I don't know which way to go, this neighborhood is confusing" he said as he laughed lowly.

"Sure" I said as he handed me the bouquet and I took it and kept it on the dining table.

I locked the door and looked back at Nicholas, who was standing outside in the lawn, hands in his jeans pockets. I walked up to him and waved at him to follow me. We walked for a while in awkward silence. Until I couldn't handle it anymore.

"So what do you do for a living? Any job" I asked as I took long strides.

"I am actually an artist, I paint and sell my painting in different places, if you want I can show you some of my work" Nicholas said as he maintained his pace with me.

"Wow that's cool" I said and looked ahead.

We soon reached the grocery store and I left him there to buy whatever he wanted and then went back to my house. I opened the door and entered. I went back upstairs, lost in thoughts, until I came to an abrupt stop when I saw who was sitting on my bed.


He looked really angry which made me scared, his face was calm but his fists were clenched and his nose blaring.

"Who was he?"

Song: now or never by Halsey.
Happy Mother's Day! I love my mom a lot and I hope you do too!

I know the update was short but I will try to update as soon as I can, you see school has been really tough and there is homework. Anyways how was the update?

I hope you like it! And who do you think this Nicholas is? Do you like him?


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