The night before

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Birthday countdown: 1 day

     It's finally Friday and it's the day before Adrianna's thirteenth birthday. Adrianna was more excited about the party and not the fact that she will be thirteen. She already turned thirteen in her past life so that excitement is pretty much gone. When she gets to school everyone tells her how excited they are. Apparently her past parties were always fun. That made her a little nervous because from what she has seen from pictures, her party is nothing like the ones in the past. This one is much more mature and she liked that.

"Hey, I've been looking through some photos my mom has saved and I found some of us when we were younger. I think we were having a sleepover in one over them and I couldn't help but smile." Adrianna told Madison.

"Yeah, we had sleepovers all of the time. We used to have so much fun, we would make up these crazy games and talk all night. It was perfect." Madison gave Adrianna a general idea of what their past was like.

"I know, my mom told me all about it. That got me thinking, since we hadn't really hung out in a while why don't you sleep over at my house tonight? We could do so much and we can get ready for the party tomorrow, together. I already asked my mom about it and she said if it was okay with you and your mom then you can sleep over tonight." Her face filled with excitement and so did Madison's.

"I love that idea! I'll call my mom after school and tell her about everything. This weekend will be amazing!"

It was sixth period and Adrianna had Science. She and Madison didn't have the same Science class, which was okay with her. They saw each other most of the day, so one class without her didn't hurt. Adrianna's Science teacher was always kind of rude towards her. Ever since she "came back", the teacher seemed upset with her for some reason. As the teacher was taking attendance she must have forgotten about Adrianna because she didn't call her name.

"Um... excuse me Miss, you forgot to call my name." Adrianna spoke softly.

"I didn't forget Ms. Green. I know you're here, trust me!" The teacher snapped at her and it caught Adrianna by suprise.

For the rest of the class she couldn't help but think about what happened in the beginning of the period. She knew teachers weren't supposed to act that way towards a student. After the bell ring she went to the teacher's desk while everyone else went to their next class.

"Hi, Miss. Howard. I was wonder why were you so mad at me in the beginning of class... and pretty much everyday since I got back from the hospital."

"Well, I usually don't take my anger out on students but with you in particular, I couldn't help it."

"Why are you so angry with me?"

"Before you got hurt, you were one of my best students. Not just because of your intelligence, but because of how different you were. You were so quirky and silly, your wardrobe was so unique, and you always made at least eight jokes before the class ended. Now, it's like someone flipped a switch and changed who you are completely. You don't even go by the same name anymore. You dress like you're in high school now and you barley speak during class. I guess I haven't adjusted to this whole change. I know i'm a teacher and i should't be bothered by the changes you make about yourself but you're a good kid." Miss. Howard finished what she was saying and motioned Adrianna to go to her next class.

"I am different, a lot has changed for me but sometimes change isn't bad, not at all. As we grow older, our lives change constantly. We just have to learn to go with the flow." Adrianna softly smiled at the teacher and walked out of the room.


     School was finally over and Adrianna headed home with Madison. They were excited about the weekend and making new memories with each other. The conversation with Miss. Howard was still on Adrianna's mind but she didn't want to tell Madison about it right away. When they got to the house Madison's things were already there.

"Hello, Madison. Long time no see, we've missed you around here." Adrianna's mom greeted her. "Your mom dropped off your things a little while ago, including your dress for tomorrow. I put it in Adrianna's closet so it wouldn't get wrinkled and the rest of your things are in her room too."

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Green. It's nice seeing you again too, so many memories are rushing back to me being in this house again. Not a lot has changed and I love it because this place has always been so beautiful." Madison can't help but look around.

The girls headed up to Adrianna's room and Madison took her dress out of the closet to show Adrianna.

"It's beautiful, I'm so excited to see you in it tomorrow." Now that she was with Madison she was getting even more excited.

"Thanks, the party is going to be perfect. Now show me your dress." Madison was practically bouncing for joy.

Adrianna pulls out the strapless lace maroon dress and Madison's jaw drops. Adrianna wasn't the only one who was completely obsessed with the dress. Their night consisted of talking about any and everything, doing each other's hair and nails, and enjoying each other's company. They stay up as late as they can until they can't keep their eyes open anymore.  She couldn't wait for Saturday to come. Not just for the party, the whole process leading up to the party was pretty fun too. Watching everyone get ready and help out was going to be just as fun the actual event.

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