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Chapter One

"Thomas, are you even listening to me?" John huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. Thomas' attention span snapped awake, shortly apologising afterwards. John was glaring at him, a frown on his face. "This is why our marriage is failing."

"Oh, ha-ha. You're so funny, John." Thomas thrummed his fingers against his thigh as he waited on the dirty metro seat. City transit sucked, and it wasn't like he couldn't buy his own car. It wasn't like he couldn't of course, but he would much rather kill himself than ask his sorry excuse for a father for money. "What was so important?"

"Nothing much." He mumbled, his face going red, partially covering his freckles. Thomas narrowed his eyes at his childish friend, or lover on certain nights. John gave in. Picking up his legs and resting them over Thomas' lap, he began. "So, there are sightings of the Northern Lights in, like, Georgia and shit. Weird right?" Thomas shrugged. "But it gets better." He gained more and more excitement as he spoke. "Some witnesses say they saw an 'angel' fall down from the sky. Personally, I'm thinking alien but I want to know what you think."

"I think you're listenin' to too many pot heads again." Thomas joked, but John didn't die down. If anything, the boy got more and more into the subject the more they spoke. "What else?"

"Okay, you know how there was that giant Maple that just seemed to stick out of the ground at my dad's summer home in California?" John asked, Thomas nodding. He sometimes wondered if that's why their friendship was so strong. Two rich, gay boys who have deep-seeded daddy issues. "Well, where the tree used to be is this giant crater! Martha told me about it and sent pictures of the crater saying she saw the alien thing!"

"Well, Martha smokes so much pot she probably just had a weird fever dream about it." Thomas smirked, earning a tentative look from John. Taking his phone from his pocket, scrolling through something before a video taken from Snapchat is blessing his eyes. You can tell it's Martha's from the fact of it being so shaky. Slowly, you can see what looked like a ball of light with wings rising from a massive whole in the ground. The video ended with the light taking flight.

"See? Now, I'm thinking we rent a car, get a couple six packs and drive up to San Diego to try to find this thing!" John smiled, his dimples making him look all the younger. Thomas thought about it, but was lurched forward by the train making its stop. John removed his legs and jumped up, standing on the balls of his feet as he reached for their bags. Thomas smirked, easily reaching over him and retrieved the two back-packs before exiting.

The pair had recently bought a rather cheap apartment in Upper East Side Manhattan, deciding to room together to save money and bringing only clothes as a necessity and selling everything else. Luckily for the two college students, it was already furnished from the previous owners not wanting to keep them. It was like God was on their side.

"Holy shit this place is amazing!" John exclaimed, dropping his bag to the floor and jumping onto the pristine canary yellow couch. He kicked off his sneakers and  turned on the television, flicking the channel to some documentary on the Galapagos Islands. Thomas shook his head at him and went to go get settled in his room. The two had previously agreed to having Thomas take the bigger room seeing as he makes more money than John. "Hey, we should go shopping later today! We'll do different weeks."

"I presume I'll get the first one?" He didn't need John to reply. He already knew that he of course would be taking the first week. Unloading his clothes and hair products from his bag in the dresser. Thomas grabbed his wallet and phone before going to the Target he was pretty sure they passed on the way over. Vocalising this to John before leaving, he securely locked the door behind him before leaving. But, to his misfortune, he ran into someone and landed flat on his ass. He immediately opened his mouth to say something, but clammed up when he saw how injured and scared the man looked. Immediately feeling an urge to help him, Thomas ushered him inside, John jumping up as confused as ever.

"What happened? Who is this? Are they alright?" John asked question after question, not letting Thomas so much as get a word in. That was before Thomas slapped him of course. "Ow! What was that for you musk rat?"

"Let me talk then!" Thomas turned to the man, putting a gentle hand on the small of his back, guiding him to the couch and letting him sit down. John didn't like this. "What's your name, man?"

"A-Alexander." He answered, eyes darting around the room as John wrapped a duvet around his shoulders. "I'm fine, but I just had no place to go and it started raining."

Thomas' eyes widened. "But it's not-" The sudden clash of thunder soon followed by a streak of lightning made them jump. Alexander jumped into Thomas' arms, trembling against him. Thomas hates to say this, but he loved feeling needed like this. It was nice and something he only got when John has fallen ill. Thomas held him comfortingly.

"Hey, it's okay, Alexander. Listen, we'll get some food while you wash up." John smiled, gently ushering him towards the bathroom. After hearing the water run and John's light footsteps coming closer, did he truly know how odd this situation really was. "Might as well put a sign over our apartment saying 'homeless men welcomed.'"

"Come on," Thomas rolled his eyes, pulling on his coat from before. "We're just helpin' the guy out. And if you forgot, we don't have any towels."

"Seems like you're okay with that." John smirked, following him out before getting smacked across the head. "Twice?! Come on Thomas!"

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