I must type this sentence

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I must type this sentence to keep the monsters away. I don't know why this works, but it does. The faster I type, the further away they are. Sometimes, I think I might be able to type fast enough to make them go away. Yet, if I stop for only a moment they will return.

I must type this sentence to keep the monsters away. If I knew why they targeted me, it might be worth some comfort. It would at least let me know what my fate would be when I tire. Will I be eaten? Am I to be tormented? Will they simply kill me? Just knowing what was to come next would be enough.

I must type this sentence to keep the monsters away. I can see them. They wait in the hallway. Their large bestial bodies hunched over, as if they are ready to pounce. Yet their faces, Christ... their faces, have a placid calm. They are in no hurry.

I must type this sentence to keep the monsters away. For some reason, my eyes can't focus directly on them. I almost mistook the first one for a smudge on my glasses. Yet, smudges don't move. And, smudges don't have fangs.

I must type this sentence in order to keep the monsters away. Can anyone else see them? You will know it if you have. Part of me hopes I'm not the only one who can see them. At least then I would not be alone.

I must type this sentence to keep the monsters away. Oh, god it's been almost a week. The cramp in my left hand stopped over a day ago; I just can't feel it anymore. Considering the blood on my keyboard, numbness is probably preferable.

Can anyone help me? I must type this sentence to keep the monsters away. If you see them, start typing as soon as possible. It doesn't matter what device you use, just type these words. Or maybe don't, because if you do you will become a prisoner like myself.

I must type this sentence to keep the monsters away...

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