The Past Starts to unfold

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Third person POV

"Hey isn't it funny how my brothers look alot like you guys but when your were all younger. The oldest looks like Scott,one looks like John, one looks like Virgil, one looks like Gordon and one looks like Alan and then their's me. So there's no way that they could be you".

"Yeah they do a little bit."

"Hey guys please, please, please don't hurt me for what I'm going to say to you but..."

"Ok Nya well what do you want to say to us?"

"Well when me and Kayo were alone and she was kinda interrogating me. I lied earlier to you Kayo about how I ended up on Sunset island. I was just afraid that you would had me over to the police department or the social service department".

"That's ok I guess. Please just tell how you actually ended up on the island".

"Umm I don't know how to put this but  My birth dad took me to Sunset Island to hide me their the day before he was presumed missing and then found dead. He did it because a very evil man was after him and he didn't want me to get hurt or be held as a prisoner by the bad man. As he could use me as bait as I was the only daughter in the family and my dad took me as the weak link".

Do you know what the man's name was by any chance at all"?

"Yes actually I think his was called the Hood".

"So the Hood has killed two people that we know of our dad and your dad".

"Umm well apparently also he killed my brothers and my mum was killed by a avalanche that he cause".

"Ok guys the Hood is now the worst person ever and we should take him down as soon as we can".

"I agree guys".

"So he took you whole family's life and only took our dad and we thought we need justice".

"Yes but before my dad left forever he said  to never let anyone take my heart necklace no matter what happens for some random reason and that the  Hood was after it for another random reason that he wouldn't tell me. Then he left me alone on the island. I was their for five years until now as you had to rescue me because I was being such a klutz. But I do wonder why he is after the necklace"!

"Why would the Hood want your necklace specifically and why would your dad would hide it with you"?

"Well it looks like it's one of a kind. But still the Hood has heeps of money and why would he kill your whole family just to get his hand on that particular necklace".

"It's only one of a kind and would be worth alot".

"Well maybe your dad lied to you and  it's not the necklace that he's after but you. But first why would he be after you he already killed the rest if your family"?

"My dad said that he always hated my family. So maybe he wants to finish the job or something".

"Well maybe just maybe your brothers are alive and this has a secret compartment with the coordinators and he thinks that you can lead him to them"?

"But why would he be after your brother's"?

"Maybe they ruined one of his plans and now he wants revenge"?

"Yeah but that doesn't explain why he wants you as well".

Nya accidentally knocks out the picture and find behind it is a note

"Well what does it say? It could be from your dad".

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