Chapter 39

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(There will be an epilogue)

I hadn't thought of anything I was going to say to Harry when we got there. Liam was driving slow with Marcus buckled in the backseat which made the trip feel longer. My stomach was bubbling with anticipation. My palms began sweating as we made familiar turns that brought back so many memories. Liam gave my thigh a little squeeze which broke me out of my thoughts, slightly making me gasp.

"Sorry Ni, didn't mean to startle you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Y-yeah." I shakily took a deep breath as we were now pulling into Harry's driveway. It didn't take long for the house to come into view. Liam pulled around and up to the front door. There was another car parked in the drive which even confused Liam who just shrugged it when I pointed it out to him.

Liam took Marcus out of the backseat as I closed my door. We approached the door when something crashed around inside the home. There were muffled yells and more things getting tossed. When I turned the knob to enter, it stuck.

"It's locked," Liam said. I went digging into my pockets until I had found it.

The spare key.

I put the key into the lock, but hesitated to turn it.

"Liam, maybe it's best Marcus and you go elsewhere," I nodded to him.

"Um, yeah. C'mon bud, let's go for a walk right fast. Niall, just text me when you're in and it's okay." I assured Liam I would as he and Marcus walked away. I waited until the both of them were out of sight before opening the door.....


Mr. Walters.

"I CANNOT HELP WHO I LOVE AND CARE ABOUT!!" I walked cautiously out of the foyer and towards the living room where I seen a vase come crashing to the ground.


"YOU CANNOT STOP ME AND I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!" Mr. Walters let out a snarl as he ran to Harry, pinning his shoulders to the wall.

"I will end it for you. Where's your boyfriend now? You pathetic little queer-"

"Hey fat ass! Get your goddamn hands off my boyfriend!" I called out which made him jump away from Harry. I ran over to Harry who's lip was slightly bleeding.

"Niall?" Harry cupped my face.

"You! This is ALL YOUR FAULT!" Mr. Walters lunged towards me, but Harry tossed me out of the way before I was attacked. Before anything could happen further, Liam and Simon were in the house.

"Simon?" Harry asked just as confused as I was.

"What and the bloody hell is going on in here?" Simon asked and directed his attention to the fat mess on the floor.

"Simon, Harry is ruining everything this company has built-"

"You're fired." The words fell out of Simon's mouth so effortlessly.

"Fired? You can't fire me-"

"Yes I can. Liam has told me everything. You do not mess with my boys, you hear me?"

Mr. Walters stood up and walked away. He stopped right next to Simon and cleared his throat.

"You're ruining yourself and Modest. This company will-"

"This company has, will, and always will be okay after you leave." Mr. Walters gasped as he continued his way out the door. Once the tension had cleared in the room, I walked back over to Harry. Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulders and rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"Harry, I'm sorry," I began to cry.

"Sh, baby, it's all okay now." Harry hugged me tighter as we enjoyed the embrace of each other. Soon, Simon cleared his throat which got our attention.

"Harry, we need to do something. If you don't end up saying it, he will." Harry nodded.

"Tomorrow." Liam gasped.

"Tomorrow? On Ellen?"

"Tomorrow, on Ellen," Harry grinned.


We landed back in America for the show about two hours before they went on. Harry was pacing back and forth in the dressing room. The show today was about what's going to happen after the tour and new music ideas. Harry's coming out will be a surprise even Ellen doesn't know about.

After Ellen had came in and greeted everyone, it was only minutes before they went on.

This was it.

Before I knew what was happening, the crowd was erupting into applauds as the boys went on stage. I was left to watch the live feed on a monitor close to the stage.

"Welcome back on the show guys, I'm so glad you made time in your schedules to be back again," Ellen said as she smiled.

"Pleasure to be back Ellen," Liam spoke back.

As normal, Ellen asked a few questions to each of them as they joked back with her. Then, it happened.

"So, as usual, who is single and who isn't so all the ladies watching know?" she asked which got a few 'oohs' from the crowd.

"Zayn, single or dating?"


"Liam, single or dating?" Liam's cheeks got red.

"You know, I'm talking to someone." Everyone 'awed' and I knew Danielle would be too back home.

"Louis, single or dating?"

"Dating." I even choked up.

"Marien, you whore." I chuckled under my breath.

"And finally Harry, single or dating?"

"Happily dating."

I almost felt the world stop. Everyone in the audience perked up and were on the edge of their seats.

"Harry? May we ask who?" Ellen winked at him.

"Yeah. Uh, everyone, I would love if you all gave my boyfriend Niall a warm welcome," he turned and motioned me to come out. I slowly walked out as Harry ran to me and pulled me into a hug. I could barely hear what he said because people were cheering too loudly. What I did manage to hear was this:

"For you babe."

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