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Peter's POV:

"How are we going to find this guy?" I ask, thoughts moving at a million miles per hour.

"There's no we about it." Mr. Stark laughs. Unfortunately he is incorrect.

"Well if you don't want to help that fine."

"Not what I meant kid."

"To bad, because if you were implying that I wasn't going to help on this one then you were terribly mistaken."

"This is my tower, my tech, my brains. So me, me and, oh yeah, me. So unless you have a super high tech tower of your own to work out of you're out."

"Mr. Stark, I understand why you don't want me to be part of this, but you're talking about my Aunt. Whoever this Remix guy is, he's made it personal. My Aunt is being held captive, you can't expect me to do nothing." I cannot physically do nothing. Sitting here, caged, would kill me.

"That is my point exactly. Remix made it personal, which means we need to depersonalize it. To do that you need to be out."

"You have to remember that Remix didn't take Aunt May in ransom of me, he took her and asked for Captain America. Why do you think that is?" I want in on this one, I need in on this one. So if Mr. Stark won't let me in I need all the information he's willing to give me.

"Peter I don't know why he took your aunt. I don't know why he contacted Cap instead of you. But JARVIS, me, Bruce, and Cap are all working on it."

"Where are Natasha and Clint?" If there is anyone other than myself I would trust to find Aunt May it would be them. Except I could never really trust anyone with this task, not even myself. Especially myself. But for my own selfish reasons I have to do this, I have to be the one to save her. Then maybe, just maybe, I can finally convince myself that I can save someone. I couldn't save my uncle, or Gwen, or Radi, or Joy, or DJ, or Josiah or Matt. Now though, maybe I can save Aunt May.

"They got called on a job, for both of them. So obviously it's serious. If it wasn't for looking May I'd have already figured out what it is, but I'm using all my brain power on that. You're welcome."


"My pleasure." Mr. Stark smirks. Honestly, he's lucky he's a billionaire otherwise he'd have been arrested years ago.

"So if you're putting all your brain power towards finding Aunt May you must have found something." I don't phrase it as a question in the hopes that he will answer it as one. His ego doesn't disappoint.

"Well something about this whole thing just isn't adding up. Taking your aunt to get to Cap? As far as I can figure whoever they are only took May because she was the only one remotely close to the group that isn't well protected 24/7. The guy obviously has some sort of grudge against the Capsical. But that doesn't really narrow it down much, because who know how many people the Avengers have indirectly affected. Someone with an individual grudge against the Cap though, that's a few less. So someone connected with Hydra, something to do with the Helicarrier mess in D.C. That's really it for the Captain alone. Otherwise we have Sokovia, New York, Nigeria, etc. etc. etc. Basically a lot of potentially angry people. At this point it's looking like our best bet is going to be to send Cap in tomorrow with a lot of heavily armed yet discreet backup."

"Did you run analysis on the note itself?"

"No Peter the thought never crossed my mind." Mr. Stark rolls his eyes, "Of course I analyzed the note. The only thing JARVIS did was throw the authors gender into question. Apparently they could be male or female, so that really clears things up."

"Pardon me sir, Dr. Banner is requesting you in the infirmary. He says it is urgent." JARVIS's voice breaks over the loud speaker. Mr. Stark insists that JARVIS is not attached to a loud speaker, but it speaks loudly. In my book that makes it a loud speaker.

"So I'm only allowed in my infirmary when Brucey needs my help? Typical." Mr. Stark sounds annoyed but he isn't, Dr. Banner is a private person mostly and I can tell Mr. Stark is glad the he is finally trusting us. On the other hand, things must be pretty bad in there for Dr. Banner to have called us. Well, called Mr. Stark. I'm just tagging along. The hallway is shorter than it was, more air. Still, I'm short of breath entering the room, fighting the black dots dancing through my vision.

However bad I'm feeling though, Percy must be feeling worse. He looks almost comatose, eyes glazed, face pale, breathing quick and shallow. It isn't like that time on the street though. This time he's still here, lost in his head, just as I had been earlier. No medicine can help him, somebody needs to snap him out of it. Neither Mr. Stark nor Dr. Banner seem to know how though.

"Percy?" I step closer to him, trying to be brave, trying to push back this anger, this fear, this hate, this pity. Every emotion imaginable in is filling me, yet I feel nothing at all. Percy doesn't respond, "Percy, whats wrong?" I don't expect an answer. Baseless hope that I can pull him out.

"I killed them." Percy's voice is toneless, emotionless, brimming with regret. Pain.

"No Percy. You didn't kill them." I fight to keep my voice even. 

"I killed them."

"You didn't kill them Percy. You didn't kill them, I didn't kill them, some monster killed them. Whoever it was we'll catch though, and we'll bring them to justice. You did everything you could, it was not your fault." There is enough blame to go around here, in a way I did kill them, in a way Percy did kill them. It doesn't matter though, because we didn't mean to. If we could we'd go back, change it, re-write history. We can't though. What is done is done.

"I killed her, Kampe. You don't have to find her. I was to late though, to slow, to stupid, to weak." Percy's voice breaks, he can hardly keep going but he has to. I don't want to know what happened next. I don't want to hear Percy blame himself again. "I told them to run but they wouldn't. They wouldn't leave. She couldn't even see her, not really. But she charged her. Why did she have to charge her? If she hadn't Kampe would have killed me and left, there was no reason for her to kill them. I tried to stop her. I tried to stop her but I was to afraid, to weak, to easily manipulated. They died because I can't even control my own head." Self loathing rolls off Percy in waves. But all the anger drains from me, you can't hate someone who hates them self that much.

Maybe I should be upset, he killed somebody. But Kampe well and truly deserved it. That doesn't make it right, nothing can excuse murder. Self-defense though, that's a different matter entirely. And it wasn't just self-defense, it was trying to defend my friends. He couldn't save them, even if he got lost in his head and it gave their attacker a chance to kill my friends it wasn't his fault. Somethings happen no matter how hard you wish them not to.

Percy will never forgive himself though, not like this. So I have to give him something to redeem him, to make him free in his eyes, to make him repay a debt he doesn't owe. Except it won't really be to me that he is paying the debt, it's to himself. 

"How would you feel about joining us to rescue my aunt tomorrow?"

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