Lets have an experiment!

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It was a hot summer day, the sun shining  bright and not even the slightest of breeze existed.  It was a type of day where it was too hot for anyone to do anything at all or even go outside.-unless they were in water, which makes the heat a bit bearable-. But barely anyone would consider even going to the beach, the sand would just be too hot to walk on. And the water in pools might be boiling by now!- Actually not really, but it's a possibility. 

In a house, there sat  two boys in boring silence.
Alois' head laid on his friend Ciel'  lap while staring up at the dull ceiling, chewing a gum with a bored expression on his face. The blonde boy wore a loose t-shirt with really short shorts that some people would say are too feminine for a boy to wear- but Alois doesn't care, not even a bit. He was wearing thigh high socks with them, but it's so hot he had to take them off. Ciel used to question Alois' choice in clothing, but he soon got used to it. Ciel won't admit it, but he really likes the way Alois looks with in his outfits-specially when he's wearing those shorts-, but those are simply thoughts he won't say out loud. The bluenette of the two sat there with a book in his hands, his revealed eye scanning the page. He was reading the same book for the third time in a row. Ciel' clothing style isn't as attention grabbing like Alois at all, he likes to wear things that are simple yet classy. Some would say his outfits are too..mature for his age, and that is exactly what Ciel's aiming for. But he was currently wearing shorts, -No, not  like Alois', don't even think about it. He's never going to be comfortable with the idea of wearing something like that. Plus, not only are the shorts Alois wears short, they're even quite tight!- he also wore a short sleeved button up shirt with two buttons undone. Ciel was wearing a vest on top of it and had all of the buttons done nearly, but it was too hot for that.

The blonde let out a loud, quite dramatic, sigh from boredom.
"I've never thought that having a 'lazy day' is this  boring! How is this supposed to be relaxing?! I'm suffering here, Ciel!" Alois whines, and this was not the first time he whined about being bored, nope, this was the fifth time in just half an hour.
Ciel huffed, not even bothering to take his eye off his book to look  down at the blonde resting on his lap.  "Well, can you please just suffer in silence? Quit being such a whiny arse."
Ciel replies calmly, but annoyance obvious in his voice, even though he was getting quite bored as well- surprisingly. 
Ciel was the one who suggested to do nothing today, and just sit together in silence. He just wanted to spend a day doing nothing for once, at least. Alois is always forcing him on doing whatever childish things he had in mind, but even if Ciel enjoys them at times he wanted just one peaceful day. But turns out as long as he's friends with this blonde, silence is never an option.  Alois puffed out his cheeks with a childish pout, as he glared up at the cover of Ciel' book. How the hell isn't Ciel bored of reading!? Actually, who reads in the summer vacation? Was the better question. It's a vacation for a reason, they're supposed to be having fun!

Alois continued staring at the book cover, it was a romance-mystery of some sort? Well he guesses, judging by the art on the cover. Alois never thought of Ciel to be the type to read romantic novels, but knowing Ciel, he would read any book he finds. An idea popped in Alois' head, an idea  inspired by the cover of the book Ciel's reading. It's a stupid idea, Alois knows that. But the same idea crossed his mind many times before, so why not just ask him? 
Hesitating for a moment on  sharing  it, he parted his lips again to speak.
"Say Ciel?" Alois says, curiosity in his voice.
"Hm?" Was Ciel's reply, his eye glued on his book.
"Have you..kissed anyone before?" Alois asks curiously, but knowing the answer to that anyways. 
Ciel would finally look at Alois with a frown, confused about the sudden question.  "Alois, what kind of a question is that? Of course-" 
"Not. As I thought. What did I even bother asking?" Alois says, sticking his tongue teasingly.
"But.. I haven't kissed anyone before too, well.. Not exactly that is." Alois trailed off.
Ciel sighed in annoyance, he's never going to finish this book-again-because of Alois. He placed his book aside, deciding that he's  just going to read it when Alois is asleep or something.
"What's the sudden interest in kissing? Are you that bored that you're speaking nonsense?" Ciel says with a roll of his eyes-eye, actually, but anyways-, before looking down at the blonde that had his head on his laps.
"Well.. I was thinking..~" Alois began, sitting up and facing Ciel.
Oh god have mercy, it's never a good thing when Alois starts with that. Whatever Alois is thinking about, it must be something unpleasant. It always is.
"How about. we kiss?- to see how that feels, that is." He asks, a childish grin on his face.
Ciel blinked, surprised at Alois' blunt question. But again, Alois is always asking him the most straightforward and the randomest questions.
"What?! not a chance-"
"Come on Ciel! Aren't you curious? Everyone we know have kissed someone before!
I just.. I want to at least know how it feels! 
just an.. 'Experiment'! Are you not my best friend? Friends are supposed to help each other!" Alois smiled goofily. "Come on~!" He whines.

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