Proposal=free food??

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/ / So I got this idea from one of tumblr's 'imagine your otp' and I really wanted to write it using those two!
So yup, that's all! I hope you like it. ^^ / /
It was a Friday night, where the couple were getting ready for their weekly date.
Every weekend, they'd go to different kinds of restaurants to have dinner there.

Ciel was already dressed, waiting downstairs impatiently. "Come on, Alois! We're going to miss our reservation. Why do you always take so long to dress?!" Ciel called out, huffing softly as he adjusted his eyepatch.

"Alright! Alright! Just hold on a minute." He yelled back from their room, fixing his soft blonde hair. Taking one last look at himself from the reflection of the mirror, smiling to himself in satisfaction. "Well damn, I look good~" He complimented himself with a grin, before walking down the stairs.

"You finally made it, let's go."
Ciel says with a sigh, glancing at his watch before looking at Alois with a smile.
"You look stunning as always, by the way-"
The bluenette added.
"Why thank you, you do so yourself~" Alois says with a smile.

The couple made their way to the car, as Alois sat on the passenger's seat. "Did you get it?"
Alois asks, looking at Ciel as he began driving.
"Of course." Ciel says with a chuckle. "Alright, perfect!"

Well the thing is, they started doing this thing every restaurant date they have.
One of them would fake a proposal to the other, having a fake ring and a fake speech.
And why you ask? For free meals, of course.
Why would they have to buy those fancy meals and desserts when they can just get them for free?
And surprisingly, it always worked.

Ciel got up from his chair at the table they sat on, going down on one knee as he caught the waiters and the people's attention.
"Alois, my love.. Will you marry me?" He asks, opening the small navy blue box that held their fake ring. The blonde male made a fake gasp, pretending to be in surprise as he made his voice sound as if he was going to burst into tears. "Yes!" He says, kissing Ciel as Ciel slipped the ring into Alois's slender finger.
The waiters and the people there clapped in awe, congratulating the couple.
And guess what? They got a free meal, along with a dessert of their choice! What an award.

So another weekend came by, and they had another date with each other.
They got into a fancy restaurant, but it was fancier than the other restaurant they've ever went to. "Say Ciel? Why did you pick to come here instead of going to that other restaurant I told you about? Isn't a table here coast a lot?" Alois asks with a chuckle, sitting down across of Ciel, as the bluenette held the blonde's hand from across the table.
"I thought we'd try something more.. Special.
Don't you like it here?" Ciel asks, a tad of nervousness could be heard in his voice.
"What? Of course I do!"

After awhile of talking, Ciel grabbed a small red box nervously. He took a deep breath, standing up from his seat. "Alois-" he began.
"I'm not sure how to start this.. But you're the most amazing person I've ever met. You're perfect from the inside and out, even if you don't see it. You made me the happiest man, and made me love you more and more every single day. We've been together for years, and I wish we can.. Grow old together and experience everything together. I love you so deadly, you're my precious person, my love, the person that keeps me going.."
Ciel got on one knee, opening the red box to reveal an pretty and shiny diamond ring.
He smiled up at Alois, as he swallowed before continuing.
"Alois Scarlet Trancy.. Will you be my previous person forever? Will you be mine until the very end? My partner in crime, my lover.. My happiness until we grow old? Will you.. Marry me?" Ciel completed.
Alois's eyes were actually forming tears at this moment, why did Ciel have to make this extra realistic? Ciel never used a long speech like that. Alois wiped away his tears as they kept falling, giving Ciel a bright smile as he nodded quickly without hesitation. "Y- yes, yes. Of course, of course I'll marry you!"
Alois says, kissing Ciel lovingly.
Ciel kissed him back, his nervousness slipping away.
Ciel pulled away, taking Alois's soft hand in his and slipping the ring into Alois's feminine finger. Everyone at the restaurant clapped their has and cheered for the couple, some even crying from happiness for them.

They were now in the car, on their way back home.
"Ciel, this was a good one~ and that speech, it was an amazing touch you added! When did you practice it?? And from where did you get this ring? It looks very realistic!" Alois says, eyeing the ring. Not knowing that all this, was in fact, a real proposal.
"What- are you fucking serious, Alois?-"
Ciel sighed, hitting his head on the dashboard.
/ / Sorry if I made any kind of typos in here! I wrote this quickly before I lost my muse lmao.

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