Chapter 9

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This one's for you _Dania99_!


Chapter 9 –

            Willow couldn’t believe it. Not only had she seen her crush that’d she kissed the day before kiss some other girl, but she had gotten her first detention. Ever. How could she have let this happen to herself? When had she begun caring for Finn so much that even school didn’t mean anything anymore?

            He’s a jerk.

            It was that one thought that kept her from going insane and bawling her eyes out. She never believed that she would have a chance with the Finn Carter anyways, not really. He was popular and could have any girl he wanted while she was the geek who everyone ignored up until recently. When she’d kissed him she’d felt stupid and weak, but that was nothing compared to how she was feeling now. Not to mention that some creepy guy was staring at her and Sarah while they were all alone together in the small classroom. The teacher had to use the bathroom and apparently it was number two because they’d been sitting there without him for a whole ten minutes.

            “Willow, are you okay?” Sarah whispered from the seat beside her. Willow just nodded. It wasn’t like she was dying or having an allergic reaction, so technically she was okay. In a physical way, that is. She could tell that her best friend was about to say something else but was interrupted by the door opening to reveal their teacher who’d finally decided to show up.

            “I suspect that all of you were good and quiet while I was gone.” No one said anything to him in return as she sat back down at his desk. In a way, Willow kind of felt bad for him. Who would want to sit with ‘delinquent’ students for an hour each day? Certainly not anyone Willow knew. Not that she had many people she was close to anyways.    

            The minutes dragged on and on until finally, there was a thump and Willow turned around to see that Sarah had fallen asleep, her head slipping from her propped up arm and onto the wooden desk.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. The teacher looked up from the book he was reading to make sure that none of the students had created the sound before standing up and approaching the door slowly.

When he opened it, Willow had to suppress the gasp from seeing Finn standing there, hands in pockets and taking a quick glance around the room before meeting Mr. Bowler’s eyes and grinning.

“What can I help you with son?” The teacher asked, unusually sounding nice and cheerful.

            It’s just because he’s popular. Even the teachers fall at his feet.

            “Hi, sir, um I was wondering if you could possibly give me another homework sheet for tonight. I seemed to have lost mine.” From the look on his face, Willow could immediately tell that he was lying. But Mr. Bowler didn’t notice because he replied with a ‘sure’ before heading over to his desk and digging through his cabinets.

            But just as he was about to reach around to hand Finn the sheet, Finn darted quickly over to Willow, grabbing her hand and pulling her from the desk she’d been sitting in.

            “Willow, come on!” he shouted, dragging her out of the classroom, running full speed. Willow, completely startled, had no choice to go along with it. She could hear Mr. Bowler calling after them but it didn’t seem to register what was happening to her until they were completely out of the school and running down a street that led to a neighborhood that had the biggest houses Willow had ever seen.

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