Chapter 3 ✦ Adelaide

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There's no way a war between the yellow and red kingdoms would end anywhere near well. Others would side and fight; Gild would side with Reyfa, Bristram and would side with Yedha immediately as news spread. It would most likely become a war of all the kingdoms as others joined the separate causes. I just hope Arna retrieves me soon so I can share the knowledge I have gathered on this place, and since I would rather not be here when war strikes. Dirt mixed with blood has never been my favorite concoction.

     All anyone can do now is prepare. Prepare to fight, prepare to run, prepare to hide.

      Three weeks after I received the warning, surely enough, the war has arrived

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Three weeks after I received the warning, surely enough, the war has arrived. There are measures taken in and out of the kingdoms: searches for spies, an occasional needless killing from anxious guards, and war in the northeastern front. I hide any time a group of guards pass near my house, a dagger clutched in my hand or stuck in my belt at all times. I don't light a lantern even for a second, especially at night. As long as you don't bother them, they don't usually bother you.

Arna still hasn't sent a rescue team or another message so I've decided it's time to save myself.

     It's only the second day of the war and the guard patrols have become more constant. Anyone with yellow or blue eyes is taken and will be held until the end of the war to avoid any risk of spies. Curfew is strictly enforced at midnight, though most people sensibly retire when it gets dark anyway to avoid sandstorms.

It feels like I'm being held captive already; I'm not sure how they could make it worse by enslaving me. I only go out directly after a guard patrol passes my house since the next patrol will be around in a few hours. I stay out for less than an hour as well, cherishing every second of fresh, dusty, air and other people walking and talking.

This will be my third time being out today. Some days, I don't even leave once. I wait, staring out the window by the door as a patrol of five guards walks by. They step uniformly, but when I look close enough, it's easy to see they're laughing and talking comfortably with each other, all red-eyed and horned.

They turn the corner down a makeshift street and I immediately open my door. It creaks loudly on its hinges, forcing me to freeze in my steps, holding my breath. The wind kicks the dust up from in front of me as silence draws in, the guards disappearing.

    I let my breath out and my rucksack weighs down my tensed shoulders, relaxing them. I packed enough food for a week, a full canteen of water, medical supplies, Arna's written letters, my notes, and my favorite three knives.

     Closing the door behind me, I step out and peer around as if deciding where to go. I already know to run to the gate since the patrol around it will be diminished. I take off with a light walk but every time I hear footsteps behind me or a shout, I incidentally speed up.

     I've reached the northern part of the kingdom before dark

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     I've reached the northern part of the kingdom before dark. Guard patrols are more constant here. They stand by most corners and in front of taverns and stores. It's easy to slip past them since there's so much hustle and bustle in the giant crowds here.

      I dip down another street. My swift walk has already enhanced to a jog, my body realizing the need to get away quicker.


     I forget jogging and start running, not looking back to see if the shout or the ensuing mayhem is about me or not. Though, by the amount of footsteps I hear pounding down on the cracked streets, I believe it is.

     There's a slim chance I could outrun them, but my breath is already hitching in my throat and my heart is trying to beat out of my chest from how much I've walked and ran so far. I would be able to beat them regularly if I hadn't been walking for a while before. Losing them is my only choice. Dipping in and out of alleyways, I keep my direction narrowed so I can continue my trip to the gate.

     "Stop or face violence!"

      I jump up, level to a barrel. One of my feet lands squarely on it before I use it to push myself up and grab onto the edge of the roof of a house on the opposite side of the narrow alleyway. I pull myself up, crouching down in a feral-looking manner for a moment.

An arrow whizzes over my head at the exact second I spring up, running forward and jumping toward the higher roof at the other side of the alley, my arms outstretched and prepared. I grab the edge and yank myself up like I did on the first obstacle. The rough material scrapes against my calloused hands and fingers, the soles of my boots finally landing on the surface as well.

"Get up there!" I hear someone command. I take large, hurried steps over the roof, reckless with my balance as I prepare to jump off the other side. I fall onto my backside, sliding down the majority of the way before catching a loose bit of the roof with my feet, springing myself toward another roof yet again. I toss myself over to the other side of it, turning around and catching the ledge with my fingers before letting my feet drop to the ground.

I take off in another run, knocking elbows with a few civilians that don't seem to mind, and holding my newly ripped rucksack on my shoulder to keep it from tearing further.

     Suddenly, I slow my pace to a near stop. A guard lies by the house. No, not a guard, just a regular man. He has no armor on, only regular clothing. Taking the risk, I sprint toward them.

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