Part 5

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Kuzco- "Why does the bad stuff happen to me., I have to walk around on crutches, and the love of my life is trapped in some dirty hole in the ground."

*Kuzco collapses to the ground and sits on a sharp object*

Kuzco- "OWWWWW."

Cow- "MOO."

Kuzco- "Go away strange humanoid cow."


Kuzco- "Leave my presence you raw piece of steak!"

Cow- *sniffly* "Moo..." *leaves*

Kuzco- "Oh, how will I ever find Malina? I bet this is how Malina felt when I died. Guess I better do what she did. I don't think that's possible. I KNOW!!!! I'll pretend she's dead so everyone feels bad."

Kuzco- *calls Yzma* "Yzma! Malina's been killed! Are you and Kronk up for one more murder mystery?"

Yzma- "Well at the moment i'm at a very important meeting. *in the distance* Hey! Hades! That's my tea! That's my vanilla brewed green Earl Grey tea! *back to Kuzco* Sorry, I have to go. I know Kronk's busy with his new restaurant so don't bother calling him. Bye. *hangs up*

Kuzco- "Now that's rude.

Kuzco- "I probably can't do this on my own. I guess i need to find a new team.

Belle walks up to Kuzco with Ariel- "OMIGOSH! Ariel! THE emperor Kuzco is here, at our school!

Ariel and Belle start extreme fangirling

Kuzco- "I'm sorry peasants, usually i'd be glad to tend to my fan base, but I've got to find a group of people to help me!

Ariel- "Well, what do you need help with?

Kuzco- "I need to find clues to find out who murdered Malina!

Belle- "Hmm, how many people do you need?"

Kuzco- "Well Malina could find Linguini with just Yzma and Kronk.. So just two people.

*Ariel and Belle look at each other and squeal

Belle- "I can get my boyfriend Adam to help. Y'know, he used to be a beast, so he's strong and muscular."

Ariel- "And I can go home.:

Abby walks by whistling

Abby- "Well there's pure anti feminist. Go... get your boyfriend to do all the work. Let's go independant woman."

Kuzco- "Shut up. Nobody likes you.

Kuzco- *turns back to ariel and belle* " You get them, and I'll start thinking of people who could have possibly wanted revenge on Malina... *starts to think as belle and ariel walk away*

Kuzco- "hmm..let's see..try to think of suspects..doobeedoobeedoo.. Wait. How about the cow? Showing up every time I was in pain. I bet that uncooked dinner killed my love.

Adam- *walks up* Malina's a pretty, smart girl. I bet people get jealous of her all the time. *walks away*

Kuzco- "hmm.. He's right! Lemme see.*Paints some poster with glitter* "I'm listing the cow as one of the suspects. For now." "The nurse, Harold, the dorm clerk, her creepy serial killer roommate, wAAAIT!

Kuzco- *Pauses in a moment of realization* "Linguini killed me. Malina killed Linguini. There are only two people who would have been sad about that. Linguini's son, and Linguini's best friend, ew, a rat! And you know what is like a rat? A MOUSE! You know who's a mouse? That's right, the ol' Mickey Mouse! I bet he killed Malina!

Adam(this is the BATB Adam, just to clear things up)- *walks behind Kuzco* That seems unreasonable. Mickey is the nicest guy in the world! Why, he and I just had dinner at a local restaurant the other night, he's so funny-

Kuzco- "Shut up, would ya? I'm trying to think of more clues!"

Kuzco falls to the ground dramatically dropping the crutches

Kuzco- "AHHHH. What's going on. Why are there pinches on my arm. AHH. Oh, it's a fly.!"

Adam claps.- "That's it i quit. Ya weirdo."

Kuzco (singing) "ALL BY MYSELF

Kuzco- *sighs* well, my team just quit, so I guess I need to find a new one.

Abby- *walks up* I can help ya.

Kuzco- *excited* great! Now, do you know whe-

Abby- hey, I said i can help. As in the physical capability. Not that I would.

Kuzco- darn

Kuzco walks along

Kuzco falls in a hole

Malina is shriveled up and dying as the timer almost runs out.

Malina (sickly)- "Kuzco. My brave savior."

Kuzco- "Savior... I can't move my leg, and my crutch is way up there.."

Malina- "KUZCO- "I'm dying. Save me."

Kuzco- "Dying..."

Malina- (fast and sick)- "Yeah, Abby trapped me in here and is slowly draining the oxygen of me. I'm about to die."

Kuzco- "'ll summon the powers of the cloud. COME CLOUD, COME.

*nothing happens*

Kuzco- "Well...we could try again."

Malina starts coughing a lot.

Kuzco- "I love you."

Malina- "thanks."

Kuzco wraps his arm around her shoulder- "It's ok."

*the teleport away*

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