Part 7

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*scene to KMS desk Malina and Kuzco alone with teacher*

*hands them a paper*

Teacher- "Alright Malina, it looks like you know enough to join back in classes tomorrow.

Teacher- "As for you Kuzco, you got an F+ on every exam you took. I request that you reapply for next year, and work a lot harder."

Kuzco pulls out wallet-

Kuzco- "Well, I've eight million dollars on me now....I'm not sure if you want that or anything."

Teacher- "Yeah, you're in." *takes money*

Kuzco- "Boom baby!"

Abby walks in with a bomb

Abby- "Boom baby's right, because...THIS BOMB!"

Abby leaves and locks the door behind her

Malina- "Let us out!"

Abby- "no."

Kuzco- "Well... I've only got...eight million dollars.."

Abby- "I don't care. Bribery don't work for this Abby... that didn't sound as cool as I thought...."

Teacher- "Oh no!!! I'm gonna die. The bomb has ten seconds."

Abby- "Good luck. Won't see you again."

Abby- "Well, I will, but you'll be in smithereens."

Kuzco- "What's a smithereen? It sounds like a type of shaving cream."

Malina- "no, Kuzco, we have three seconds. EVERYONE HIDE.

Bomb three two one.

Nothing happens

Kuzco- "Ha... ya messed up."

Abby- "Oops. (looks at bomb). NO, I forgot to attach the stupid timer to the bomb. (tries to attach) What? I bought a one-use timer. UHGH. I gotta go."


Teacher- "I'll ensure Abby is off campus by tomorrow."

Kuzco- "So... I can join the school?"

Teacher (looks at money) - "Yup. "

Teacher- "But...I see some potential on the Track and football teams. You're starting track, or you're not joining."

Kuzco- " sports aren't me. I haven't ran more than three feet."

Teacher- "Exactly, potential. I expect to see you in class AND IN THE TRACK MEET tomorrow."

Teacher- "And Malina, the cheer team welcomes you back.

*teacher leaves*

Kuzco- "Oh boy."

Malina- "Yipee!"

Skip to a montage of a couple of days for both kuzco and malina but separately, sort of like when Rapunzel was let out of her tower but malina would be her when she's happy and kuzco when she's upset*

Malina- *in class taking a test* "I'm so happy they let me back in here!

Teacher- *yelling from a distance* "No talking, scumbag! There's a test!

Kuzco in another class- *dissecting a frog* *sarcastically* "wow, i'm so happy they let me back in here.

Milo- "No talking scumbag, there's a test soon, so I need to learn about frog livers.!

Kuzco- "shut it, nerd

Malina- *cheerleading* "I love this so much!

Kuzco- *running and out of breath* "I HATE THIS"

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