Hiding Something

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the hospital,
its 8am in the morning,
Abhay and Piya sleeping.
The nurse comes inside their room with their breakfast.
The nurse first wakes up Abhay and as she walks towards Piya,
Abhay stops her…

Abhay: I will wake her up

Nurse: ok sir!! But please do it fast....u will get discharge after some time ….

Abhay: okay!!!!!!!!

Abhay then goes to the washroom to freshen up and then comes and sits in a chair in front of Piya’s bed…

Abhay: Piya u looks so innocent and beautiful while sleeping , … just like a little angel…. Who gave me a new life….

Then abhay kisses piya on her forhead, cheeks and then finally lips…..

Amidst all this Piya wakes up and holds Abhay’s face and brings it closer and kisses him……

Abhay gets conscious that they were in hospital

Abhay: common wake up…. Breakfast is here…. Then we need to leave…

Piya: ok dear.

Both of them then have their breakfast.
Then Abhay goes to clear all their formalities and finally they are discharged.
Sid and Panchi……

Panchi: I told you did don't hurt pia…. And now she is in hospital

Sid: Panchi Panchi oh my Panchi….. Piya is fine…. My bad luck!! That Abhay is also fine…because of their locket I can't do anything…

Panchi: Can I ask you something?

Sid: yes?

Panchi: do u really loved pia.. or it was just to take revenge from Abhay…. U never loved anyone?

Sid: Dear I am vampire......vampires have no place for emotions in their life…. U also never loved me? you always loved Danish…!!!! Talking about pia... I never loved her….I only loved Maithli... when I was a human….

Panchi Could not stop her tears and started weeping…. Blood came out of her eyes….

Sid ( hugs panchi and consoles her) : leave it , now we have to return to Dehradun and wait for them over their……. And we are in danger here….
Abhay and Piya’s hotel room,

they both were sitting on the sofa, very close to each other and watching TV…..

Piya: m getting bore Abhay….

Abhay: we both need rest pia...…

Piya: let's go for, boating ,we will feel fresh . What say?

Abhay: Good idea!!!!!! Lets go…………

the hospital, where there was a discussion going on among a panel of doctors regarding the dead body of a girl…..

Doctor 1 : Gentlemen this is the report which clearly reveals that is not any casual insect bites..

Doctor 2 : It seems the entire blood in the girls body has been sucked. In today’s world this is not to believed but still this is true that this girl has been bitten by vampire.

Doctor 3 : If it’s a vampire, we have to find him and finish it off….

Doctor 4: I have planned 4 a sting operation.
its 11 am in the morning, Abhay and Piya sitting on the sofa and gossiping.

Piya: what's the plan for today Abhay?

Abhay: No dear....no plans …I just want to stay here

Piya: OMG!!!! No plans .. tomorrow we are leaving for Dehradun, …n we didn't go for shopping. So Mr Vampire let's go for shopping…

Abhay: okay my princess...get ready fast…..

Piya: awww so sweet…  abhay , u never say no to me .....that is why I love you so much…

Abhay: ohh that means if I will say no , then u won't love me???

Piya: yes of course (laughs aloud…)

Abhay: Not fair piya….

Piya: Everything is fair in love and war… try to say no to me once Abhay……………

Abhay: no way ... I can't take any risk ... I don't want to lose u….

Piya: Ha ha how sweet…………….. and she goes to get ready……………

Abhay pulls Piya towards him and and and…………………….. he kisses her on her lips………. But Piya runs aways..

Piya: Leave me Abhay…… I m so excited for shopping.....…….

Abhay: okay okay then give me my kiss fast…….

Piya: No abhay not now……………

Abhay: ok  leave it……………..go.......

Piya: Oh my vampy is angry ……………….………..

Abhay making faces at Piya…….

Piya comes near Abhay… and 1st hugs him and then kisses him on his lips……..

then abhay too hugs her tight…………..

Then finally Piya goes to change and Abhay combing his hair in front of the mirror……

Piya comes out in few minutes and then combs her hair, wears earing and then both of them leaves the hotel……..

They took a cab and reached the the
Thai Shopping complex in few minutes…..

Piya gets inside a large branded showroom…… and took a red dress, pink dress and black dress, she even takes a pink saree for Misha to tease her,

she takes 1 beautiful silver saree for Madhu and a white tie for arnab….. and they go to a accessory shop and buy few shell earings for her self….

And then go to a café and have cold drink and burger…………and then abhay’s phone rings….

Abhay: Excuse me Piya……

Abhay on phone…..

Abhay: Hello

Dr Gupta: hello mr raichand this is Dr Gupta

Abhay: Yes doctor say

Dr Gupta: Can you meet me now in the hospital…..?

Abhay: Actually doctor m out now with my wife… anything urgent???

Dr Gupta: Yes Mr Raichand its urgent….. please come now….

Abhay: Okay doctor it will take half an hour for me to reach…

Dr Gupta: okay …..

Abhay then goes to Piya…………….

Abhay: Piya do u want anything else ?

Piya: all done ….

Abhay:I have to go to the hospital….come I will drop u to the hotel…

Piya: Hospital…? Again ????

Abhay: it was an accident case… n we are tourist , so there are some  formalities…..

Abhay's POV( I can't tell her the truth ... she will get tensed…. sorry Piya)

Piya: it's ok abhay u can go to the  hospital, I need to buy some stuff... I will go myself…

Abhay: Are u sure Piya???

Piya : Yes dear….

Abhay leaves…….

Piya POV: Abhay is hiding something…. I need to find out…!!!!!!!

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