Little Naughty Brat

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The scene opens in Mumbai, Panchi is leaving to search for Danish.

Abhay, Piya and Nirbhay all set to leave for the picnic at Juhu Beach…..

Piya: I am ready. Nirbhay is ready. You are ready. Then what are we waiting for?

Abhay: We need to think twice before doing any thing piya….. to keep nirbhay safe ....  we r taking nirbhay between people... if nirbhay will use his powers then we won't be able to hide him ….

Piya: what happened Abhay? When u started thinking negative? Abhay u fought against death …. Then why u r worried today?

Abhay: I m worried for u Piya...for  Nirbhay.... I don't care for myself but ... I love both of u ... but no I can't lose hopes ... I will do everything for both of u …..

Piya Comes near abhay n hugs him …

Piya: I m always with u Abhay…… I love u

The scene then moves to a busy road in Mumbai, Panchi is stuck amidst the traffic in an auto…

Panchi ( think) : Danish I m coming ..  u have to give me answer…..

Panchi stepped out from auto ...

Panchi: I think I m at right place...

The scene again moves to Abhay and Piya, they along with Nirbhay had already left for the Juhu Beach, they were in cab……….

Something pricked into the driver’s finger while driving and he was bleeding………

Abhay even couldn’t resist the temptation of the blood along with Nirbhay, but some how Abhay controlled him self………

The driver did not notice what was going on at the back of him and he continued to drive.

Suddenly Nirbhay’s facial expression started to change…he was putting his fangs in and out, in and out……..

Piya: Abhay I think we need to leave taxi ….

Abhay ( whispers) : No, Piya nirbhay has to learn how to control his thirst ……….

Abhay and Pia started playing with Nirbhay... trying to distract him ………..

N finally he is playing like normal kids ...

Piya: Thank God!

Abhay: m so happu Piya, nirbhay controlled himself for the first time ….

Piya: you are right abhay,,,,,,,,,,,

Minutes passes by and finally they reached the Juhu Beach……

Abhay and Nirbhay seemed to very much irritated with the direct sunlight at the Juhu Beach… but Abhay has learnt to bear everything with time and Nirbhay is too powerful to withstand all this…………..

As they entered the sea beach, strong breeze was blowing, the roaring of the sea could be heard, many people were enjoying in the beach with their family……..

Piya’s hair was flying in the air, Abhay was carrying Nirbhay and he was gazing at Piya’s beauty more than the beauty of the sight………

Piya: Abhay I want to drink coconut water……

They walked towards the sea, Piya sat on a rock, Piya takes Nirbhay on her lap and Abhay goes to bring the coconut water for Piya…….

Piya wetting her feet in the waves, and playing with the waves with her hands,

Nirbhay seemed to be fascinated by all this.

He was getting excited and was about to jump to swim in the sea, when Abhay came and caught him………

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