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I woke up in a faded state. I took in my surroundings. I could still taste the Vodka from last night stinging my throat.

I looked over & observed the red head I had banged last night. She was out cold. Her mouth opened widely, drool seeping out onto her pillow.


"It's time to make my getaway," I thought.

I slowly slipped away from under her lavender duvet covers. Lavender? Really? This girl was too weird.

I picked up my pants from the floor & slid them on no difficulty. I then slipped my T-shirt over my head, accompanying my hoodie with ripped holes in them on. I slipped on my shoes & tiptoed quietly to the door.

I knew I was gonna get away this time. She seemed clingy last night. The way she kept showing me photos of her childhood cats. I found that creepy. What was creepier was that she remembered how each of them died. Weirdo.

I slowly placed my hand on the handle, ready to take off like a bird until I heard her annoying voice quietly ring in my head.

"Hayes? Babe? Where are you going?" she asked. God I wish she would just shut up.

"Oh um, I'm leaving," I gave her a look of confusion.

"But I thought you were gonna stay for breakfast?" she asked sadly.

"Oh well I don't do breakfast," I stated.

"But Hayes-" she murmured & I cut her off.

"Look, um, Vanessa? Last night was fun but I don't do relationships. Nor will I ever do you again so I'll see you later? Who am I kidding, this is goodbye," I chuckled & was half way out the door.

"My name is Angie!" was all I heard as I shut the door behind me & left the apartment building.

"Nice one Grier," I smirked as I lit a cigarette to put me at ease.

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