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I was fixing my hair in the mirror, getting ready for tonight.

Another night of sipping on liquor, chasing skirts & banging beauties.

"Where you going?" I heard Nash's voice whip behind me. I kept forgetting that they were staying here for a couple days.

"Out," I said, not looking back.

"To which club?" Taylor asked smug.

"I'm not going- okay Gallop," I gave in. These guys knew me too well. I hated it.

"Don't bring her home. Rather go to her place. If you bring her home at least have the decency to give us a heads up so we can leave," Nash instructed strictly.

He was my brother & I knew he was looking out for me but God, he could be so exasperating.

"I won't," I grunted & left. As soon as I got onto the street, I took out a cigarette & lit it.

Nash & Taylor, or anyone in my family for that matter, don't know I smoke. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. Or at least how I like to put it.

I hailed a cab & got in right away. The driver seemed displeased with me smoking in the backseat but honestly, ask if I gave a fuck.

I reached Gallop. My hunting ground for all the pretties in the city. Gallop was the go to club in this city. You were known if you came to Gallop.

I walked inside & already saw hot bodies grinding up against each other. The smell of Vodka & Brandy & other mixed drinks hit my nostrils like a truck hits a crossing pedestrian. I could see all the strobe lights. I could hear all the loud music, pumping through my body & I could feel the energy.

Intense but free.

I started at my station, the bar. That was the one place where it was easy to pick up chicks. Hit them up with a cute smile, a compliment & the classic line used by our fore fathers

Can I buy you a drink beautiful?

Never fails to impress.

I was looking at my options. All sorts of girls passed by. Tall girls. Short girls. Skinny girls. Thick girls. Brunettes. Blondes. Red heads & black heads. Some were pale as snow & others were as dark as the beautiful night sky above.

That was the one thing I loved about women. Their diversity. All of them are margins apart when it comes to difference & trust me I've gotten to read every book in the library.

It was quite a while before I found one. A short cute blonde with huge tits.

The burden about short girls with huge tits is that they look fat but in retrospect they're not.

I approached her, the music thumping loud through the club.

"Hey," I said quite loudly so she could hear me.

"Hi," she spoke, inaudibly.

"You look so beautiful tonight angel. Can I pretty please buy you a drink?" I pleaded in a cute voice. She seemed to like it.

"Sure," she smiled & I ordered one for her & myself.

"So tell me beautiful what's your name? Do you have one? Or should I just call you mine?" I winked. I hated the crumby pickup lines I used but girls seemed to love them.

"Charlotte," she giggled & blushed whilst sipping her drink.

"That is the most beautiful name I have ever heard but nothing compared to your face," I slid my finger under her chin.

So original.

"Stop it," she playfully slapped me on my chest which actually kinda hurt. Which meant she was rough. I love the rough ones. They're the best, "thank you. & what's your name?"

"Hayes. But I bet you wanna call me yours for the night? Because I certainly wanna call you mine," I stepped closer to her, getting into her bubble & allowing my body heat to feel her.

"That's such a nice name," she gasped & finished her drink. We both set our cups down & started talking which I'll admit, I regretted painfully.

She was so boring. She told me she was actually a farm girl from the South. I could relate a bit because I'm a bit of a farm boy but there was definitely a difference. She told me about how she was in those special classes in high school which meant she was dumb. Which she was. It was like talking to a broken doorknob. She was also new to the city & moved here for some job. Then something set off sirens in my head. She admitted

She was a virgin.

& that's when I went in for the kill.

"Would you like to come back to my place? I could show you the view of the city & maybe a little more?" I whispered into her neck.

"Oh gee I don't know," she shrugged. But I could tell her inhibitions were starting to lower.

"C'mon you can trust me. I swear. I'll take good care of you," I intertwined my fingers with hers & felt her temperature rise.

I led her outside & got another cab for us. I quickly sent Nash a text telling him about my ordeal. He better not get mad I did what he told me to do.

We got back to my apartment & searched for the keys while she kept asking stupid questions about the city. Like I was a founding father? Gosh.

I managed to open the door & heard no barks which meant Nash & Taylor took Zan for a walk.

As we walked in I saw her nervousness & walked up to her & kissed her softly. At first she was reluctant but after a while she seemed to loosen up.

I signalled for her to jump onto me & wrap her legs around my waist. In which she did. I was still standing, being pushed against the wall as I cradled her ass in my hands & felt her sweet but burning tongue inside my mouth.

I slowly shifted my feet to my bedroom & I set her on the bed roughly. I took off my shirt & kept kissing her. She had no difficulty & actually no time taking her pants off. Virgin? I think not. Soon we were both naked. Before I continued she stopped & looked at me with hesitation.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" she asked innocently.

"Yes babe don't worry I got you," I smiled & placed my lips on hers.

& trust me it is true what they say.

Rough ones are the best.

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