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I laid on my couch, bottle in my hand and tears in my eyes. The days got worse as time went by. It was the end of me. I could feel it. If I kept up with what I was doing I would be dead in no time.

My heart had been as broken as it was after Amy. Fuck that broad for doing what she did to me. Now here I am, being a man whore and breaking hearts. Then I find my heart again in Kaylin and get it broken again. This fate of love just wasn't my thing. I was meant to be alone. I don't deserve any love at all. When I can't get love then why should I live?

As my thoughts ran about, my front door slipped open and I saw her.

"What the hell do you want?" I got up and peered at her with eyes of pure hate.

"I'm not living without you Hayes," Charlotte murmured bluntly as she pulled a pistol from behind her back. She pointed it straight at my face.

"Charlotte," I gawked silently. I was speechless.

"I gave you so many chances. I gave you my heart. My soul. My fucking virginity and what do you give me in return? Dirt! I may be a girl from the South but I don't deserve dirt!" she yelled as her grip on the pistol tightened.

"Charlotte. Take me. I have nothing left to live for. I'm not man enough for this life. I'm a mess. I'm trash. I don't deserve to be on this Earth. Just take me now. I'm sorry for causing you any harm. I'm sorry for breaking your heart. I'm sorry for being a fool. I'm sorry for being as vile and as disgusting as I really am. I'm sorry for living," I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply.

"If I can't have you; nobody can," I heard her voice.

I waited for her to pull the trigger. This was it. The end. No more hurting girls. No more suffering. I was finally getting what I deserved.

Suddenly I heard a loud gong and a thud. I opened my eyes to see what had happened. Kaylin was standing there with a lamp in her hand and Charlotte laid face down in a pool of blood.

"Kaylin," I gawked and got up to hug her.

"Hayes," she hyperventilated, "she almost killed you." 

"I didn't wanna live without you," I confessed.

"Hayes I came here because I realised I love you. I really do and I can't leave you," she began to cry, "but I just killed someone."

"It'll be okay. It was self defense," I assured her.

"No. We have to get out of here," she shook her head and ran into my room.

"Kaylin it's okay. We can work this out," I ran after her.

"No Hayes we have to leave," she grabbed a bag and started packing some of my clothes in it.

"Kaylin you're acting crazy," I tried to stop her but she insisted. She finished packing and ran out the house. I ran after her and Zan ran beside me.

"What about Zan?" I asked as I picked him up.

"Put him in the backseat," she demanded and threw my bag into the backseat, "hurry!"

I did as she told me and got in the car. She sped away from my apartment and we were indulged by the lights of the freeway.

"Why do we have to escape?" I asked.

"Hayes, we can't be here. I killed someone and I'm gonna be arrested. Then you'll be arrested for association. I can't have that happening to us," she begged.

"So where are we gonna go?" I asked as I looked back at the city we were driving out of.

"To a place where nobody knows us," she said and sped up.

Oh God.



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