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I walked into my apartment back from work, yep I have a job, & already got dirty looks from Nash.

"What did I do now?" I groaned & crossed my arms.

"This girl, Charlotte, she's been calling here non stop for the past three days," he exaggerated.

"Oh God," I groaned & paced around the room. Out from the backyard came running Zan, as joyful as can be & my mood was flipped. Nothing makes me happier than my dog. I love my dog.

"What did you do to her?" he asked.

"What I always do. But she was a virgin so-"

"You took her innocence & she can never get it back because she lost it to a jerk like you," he scoffed.

"Who you calling a jerk? Dumbass," I spat.

"Hayes. You gotta grow the fuck up & realise you can't fuck with girls' emotions like that," he began to raise his voice.

"It's not my fault they're dumb!" I yelled.

"No Hayes. They're not dumb. You're just a conniving cunt," he pushed me backwards & in all honesty I wanted to punch my brother but that's all that ever happens. Fight.

"So what if I made her cry? I'm proud. I'm fucking proud of who I am & I don't need you telling me what I can & cannot do. I'm outta here, see you at midnight," I stormed out & opened up a new box of my little sticks of joy.

Nash & I fought at least once a week. It was normal. I just couldn't wait until him & his girl could get the hell out of my house.

I walked, for a while. Trying to clear my head of my thoughts & what I did. I was not a jerk. I was a God. I knew that. He knew that, he just didn't wanna say it.

I threw my cigarette butt into the ground & walked into this little coffee shop quite far from my place. I had driven past it a couple times but never really cared to go inside. So I did.

I ordered a beverage & waited by the counter, closely examining the inside. Especially the dames.

My search was lacking, spotting a few here & there but they were all with guys & although I do what I do, I do not step on another man's girl because most of the time they're after the same thing I'm after & I have respect for that.

It wasn't until I laid my eyes of the booth next to the window. The sheets of paper spread out all over the table with coffee stains & pencil marks all over. & then I saw the beautiful face look up from the papers. Her eyes stained red & a running nose. Either she's sick or grieving. I like the grieving, they're the easiest to get so I made my move.

I walked up to her table with a smooth pace & smiled.

"Hey beautiful are you okay?" I asked, shining my large radiant smile at her.

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you," I could feel a hint of a harsh tone in her voice.

"What's wrong? A pretty flower like you shouldn't be sitting here looking sad," I sulked & slid into the booth.

"I'm fine. Really I am. Please leave me alone," she sighed.

"I don't want you to be alone," I reached for her hands but she quickly tucked them into her pockets.

"How many times do I have to say no?" she sighed.

"C'mon babe. Just hit it with me once," I looked into her warm eyes & smirked.

"What kind of girl do you think I am?" she gawked.

"Well you could be my girl for the night," I winked.

"No thanks I'm good," she gave me a look of disgust & began to pack up her things.

"What? Everybody is dying to be with me," I gushed.

"Well I'm not everybody dude. Now if you'll excuse me," she took a bunch of dollar bills from her pocket & placed them on the table.

"At least let me pay for you," I grabbed her hand, still on the dollar bills.

What I felt was weird. I actually wanted to pay for her continuous cups of coffee unlike the girls I pick up on a daily.

"No I got it thanks," I could see tears swelling in her eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked.

"Leave me alone," she groaned & practically ran out of the shop.

For the first time ever, I actually felt concerned for a girl.

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