Just Game Chapters- Hali

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@jkstoryaddict by the way, it's Sally quickly and I want to thank you for reading all of our chapters and being a great support! It means alot and we hope you like our dedication :)

Hey, it’s Hali.

I don’t know about you but I am absolutely sick of Interviews. After I did one everyone just had to copy me (I’m a bit of a trend setter mind you) and since then all of our chapters have been interviews.

Well have no fear! Hali is here!

Today we will all be competing in (cue drumroll) Do You Even Know Me? Do You Even Know Me is a game show (well game chapter) which will test how well we actually know each other and which one of us knows the other the best.

Here’s how it works: I have asked each girl to choose 3 questions about themselves and then asked each member of the book separately what they think the answer is. We’ll see who will guess the correct answer and that person will be crowned Best Friend. Being Best Friend means you will be able to have any proportion of food from the cafeteria that any other member of this book as bought. This can not change until another Best Friend has been crowned. Pretty intense wouldn’t you say?

Hali: What shampoo and conditioner brand do I use?

Mimi: pantene lol idk

Caitlin: Tre Semme

 Sally: Tresemme

Correct answer: Tre Semme

Hali: What is my favourite fruit?

Mimi: ummmmmmmmmm apple?

Sally: Mangooo 

Caitlin: Mango

Correct answer: Mangos

Hali: What’s my favourite TV show at the moment?

Mimi: Vampire Diaries >:)

 Sally: Americannn Hooorrror Story

Caitlin: American Horror Story

Correct answer: American Horror Story

Mimi: What annoys me? (could be various answers)

Hali: Sally

  Sally: me lol

Caitlin: Sally

Correct answer: pretty much anything other than food, cute couples though (sally and josh) definitely annoy me -____-

Mimi: What’s my religion?

(Hint: I don’t follow it at all…fucking n fucking n YEAH! See don’t follow it.)

Hali: Umm, Methodist? Didn’t you go to a Methodist school for half your life?

Sally: catholic? lol 

Caitlin: catholic?

Correct answer: chrristtiann bittcheeezz or either Methodist or Anglican

Mimi: What’s my middle name?

Hali: Oh shit. I have no idea? Jo? That’s your middle name in the administration……don’t ask me how I know that.

Sally: Fredrick 

Caitlin: Louise

Correct answer: Jo, don’t judge

Sally: If I were to cheat on Josh, who would it be with?

Hali: Dave Franco

Mimi: Dave Franco, duh

Caitlin: Dave Franco

Correct answer: Dave Franco

 I lost my answers and questions fml -Sally

Caitlin: Which foundation do I use?

Hali: Maybelline? You used to wear that. Not sure about now though.

Mimi: a powdery foundation thing :s

Sally: Maybelline

Correct answer: Revlon or Garnier

Caitlin: If I had $1000 what would I spend it on?

Hali: Hedgehog army….

Mimi: S**, to be your prostitute

 Sally: Hedgehog armyyy

Correct answer: An army of hedgehog

Caitlin: What animal do I think Mimi looks like?

Hali: Part fish, part flamingo. Why do I know that?

 Sally: a flamingo

Mimi: a pink flamingo -__-  a.k.a your fucked up Caitlin

Correct answer: Fish with a flamingo body

Well that was….interesting. I learned things about my friends that were, well, not normal. Why am I even friends with them? I need a new group of friends omg. Anyway so if you weren’t counting the score (which you probably weren’t) then here’s the winner.

And the winner is (drumroll plays)


Well to be fair to us I’m 73% sure Caitlin cheated. And also Mimi isn’t in any of our classes so she doesn’t attend half of our conversations, but seriously? Only one question right? Dissapointed in you Mimi.


Caitlin: 8

Me: 7

Mimi: 1

Anyways the next game chapter I am definitely not hosting that was waaay too much effort.

Till next time

- Badass -

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