Just Valentines Day -Hali

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Anything in bold and in brackets is from Sally.


So this is Hali again. Quite frankly I have given up on anyone else ever writing in here, which surprises me because I though Sally would dominate over the whole book (dear Hali, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm right here >:) ). Actually, come to think of it in terms she has. Not drastically as I am the only person that has written in here, but since she’s the editor she basically can take out parts of the story that make her look bad and add comments to all the things I say (What else am I meant to do?????). Which you probably noticed and found annoying (soz Sally.) Anyway, back on topic.

So most of you know, last week was valentines day. And I know what everyone says, you only hate valentines day if your single and don’t have anyone to buy you roses and chocolates. And honestly I think Valentines day is a fabricated system built to destroy peoples self esteems and overprice everything red by double it’s price. The only good thing about Valentines day is the discounted chocolates the day after……oh yeah and my friend’s happiness. That to. (Thanks for thinking of us Hali, it's appreicated. Also I like chocolates)

Basically I was the only one in our group of four that didn’t get a valentine. Sally got a rose and a box of choclates from her boyfriend Josh (he's so hot omg), and Mimi got a rose from her boyfriend Bill (who by the way is so close to failing my verivication test) and Caitlin got four roses from the little, shy boy in our class called Demyan. It was quite adorable actually. I mean he spent $12 on her just to get rejected when he asked her out. Well actually Caitlin said maybe, but we all know what that means. Not that if I was Caitlin I would be to picky. She actually did pretty good with Demyan and if I were her, I’d give him a shot, but she’s to busy pining over the webbed feet guys (Caitlin, I know everything >:) ~Sally) to notice anyone right under her nose.

So, since I was the only one in our group that didn’t get a valentine, Sally and Caitlin (mostly Sally) have basically been trying to set me up with any guy who looks at me (I spy Xavi. Yum he's hot. Don't tell Josh...wait he already knows, oops). I am not even kidding. Sally even told me to hook up with her own boyfriend. Like seriously? Also on the Josh topic I think I’m the only one who at them moment soesn't have anything against him. Sally’s annoyed with him for god knows what reason, something about tickling her nose. Caitlin’s annoyed at him because he never says hi to her (yes that is the actual reason) and I'm not even sure with Mimi. I know shes annoyed at him but shes not telling me why. And yes they do hold these against him, I mean they probably will all get over it by tomorrow because I know them and they can’t hold grudges. At all.

Me and Sally (it's actually Sally and I) are probably the worst at holding grudges, it takes as maximum 2 hours to get over practically anything at most. Caitlin’s a bit better and can hold a grudge for about a day and Mimi’s the best. She didn’t talk to our friend Grace for 2 months (their relationship sunk like the titanic. Then came back like my tumblr which apparently is still alive..). It was a pretty intense battle to be honest, with people taking sides and shouting and blocking others. I chose Mimi's side and so did Sally and Caitlin and to be honest, I think because of that fight we were brought close to each other. Were over it though, Grace and the people that chose her side (Paige, Abbey, Olivia, Neve) sit with us at lunch again and all that jazz. I don’t even know how we resolved it. I don’t even know what we were fighting about to be honest. It sort of just happened.

Okay to be honest this story's getting a bit sidetracked and off topic but i just had to rant a bit about Valentine's day and the annoyance i've put up with Sally and Caitlin harrasing me about hooking up with someone. Seriously, the situation is crucial. They keep coming back to about 4 people and basically if I speak 1 word to them they have decided how many children I will have and who gets to be the god mother of them. You think I'm kidding? I wish I was. (If she has twins she has to call them Odd and Even, this has already been decided.)

But besides all that I have composed a small interview obviously about love in honour of valentines day because quite honestly I have lots to write but I cant be bothered and I need to take up space. (side disclaimer: I did not tell any of them I was using this for a book to be puvlished online. They didnt see the others answers and this is their genuine reaction....and yes I published this online with out them knowing. Im evil)

Hali: What would be your perfect valentines day?

Sally: chocolate....LOTS OF CHOCOLATE. Food. And my boyfriend will buy them and watch me eat them and be jealous. Omfg I'm so weird.

Mimi: No presents, just having someone with you is enough. (I think something happened to Caitlin and me at birth. Why are we so weird??)

Caitlin: if (person im not saying in this book due to the fact caitlin will cut me) said he'd been stalking me and that he loved me and asked me out and forced me to go out with him because he'd die if we didn't. (She was definitely dropped as a kid.)

Hali: Umm, ok? Where would you take your crush/bf on a first date?

Sally: My rape dungeon

Mimi: Movies

Caitlin: Cafe

Hali: What do you look for in a guy?

Sally: Hot. Nice arms. Has to be Dave Franco.

Mimi: Six pack. Smells nice. Sixpack

Caitlin: Breathes. Seriously I'll take anyone. But they have to be attractive. And not talk to much. But not too shy. Intresting to talk to. Not overly affectionate. But they have to be a bit weird. Or a lot. Or a phsycopath. 

Hali: Last one since you all think I'm creepy for asking you these question out of the blue. Would you ever date your best friends' ex? 

(Hali, I don't know what happened at the end but your grammar skills died. Don't worry, I'm here to help!! Woo mofos.)

Sally: Um I don't know. If it was (Mimi's ex) maybe because he has hot arms; if he changed his face alot and hair and everything then he would look like Dave Franco (eyegasmic). And If I ever become best friends with myself and Josh and I break up I'd go out with Josh again.

Mimi: Probably not lol unless they wanted me too and it was like peer pressure. lol.

Caitlin: Yes. Maybe. Depnds how things ended.


Ok. So maybe you got to see into their personalitys a bit and what the actual fuck were Caitlin and Sally's answers. I'm ashamed to call them my friends omg.

But anyways till next time


(And Sally. I see everything. Ok that was creepy. Also anything in bold and in brackets is from me :) )

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