Introduction: Deonne

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"WHAT!?" Deonne screams, looking up at her boyfriend Daehyun, with fury in her eyes. Daehyun takes a deep breath, and scratches his head nervously.

"Our plans were stolen, I don't know by who, but they were. I just noticed that the binder was missing five minutes ago." Daehyun explains, and Deonne rubs her temples angrily.

"JunHong! Jongup! Get over here right now!" Deonne yells, the two younger members running up to the planning room with pale faces.

"You two are in charge of protecting that book when we are not asleep! Why would you let it out of your sight?!" Deonne scolds, her face turning red with anger as she boys put their heads down in shame.

"We.. We were distracted-"

"Distracted by what, or who!?" Deonne asks Jongup, who looks up to finish his sentence.

"You and Yongguk hyung were fighting, and were distracting us." Jongup forces, and Deonne turns away with a sigh. She takes a deep breath and calms herself before turning back to the two pale faced boys who wait for her answer.

"Now, if it was my fault or yours, we have lost a valuable weapon to our victory." Deonne continues.

"We must find out who stole our plans, and find out quickly. Although, I have an idea who it was, we still need to be sure. Get Youngjae, Himchan, and... Yongguk here please." Deonne says with a calm voice, trying to hold in her anger and frustration. JunHong obeys, and quickly calls for the other three members as Deonne, Daehyun, and Jongup take a seat around the planning table.

When Himchan, Youngjae, and Yongguk arrive, JunHong takes a seat next to Jongup and then the others follow suit. As soon as the men take their seats, Deonne looks around into the eyes of her gang members.

"Due to current events, we have lost a valuable weapon to our victory. Intelligence. We must find a way to retrieve our combat plans, for we don't have the time to re-collect all of the information now since the Royal War is coming up in a few months.

"So, on the day of the Peace Ball, we will all need to participate in the practice ring. Including myself, I will be in the ring fighting my sisters. You all will be fighting their equals, but be warned, who ever has our plans will know the weaknesses of all the groups we have recorded. So, be aware and attentive of your surroundings and please look for any signs of our intelligence. Any questions?" Deonne concludes, looking around at the six boys who stare at her.

"Umm, do we know if all of the gangs should be there?" Himchan speaks up, twiddling his thumbs under the table.

"Ne, all of them should be there. And, do not forget, my sisters will be there. So, when we fight, we may have to fight again and again if need be. I would like for us to participate, since it would be our only time before the War."

"Let me say this, it isn't required to fight. It is highly recommended, but if you choose not to, just observe our opponents closely from the stands." Deonne explains, and Youngjae raises his hand. She nods to him, and Youngjae licks his lips.

"Should we watch for ambushes? Attacks from our enemies during the Ball?" Youngjae asks, folding his hands and putting them on the table in front of him.

"That's a good question, but I think not. For the Peace Ball, no violence will be tolerated on the premises unless you're in the ring. So, there should be no ambushes, but don't lower your defence in any way possible. We don't need any casualties." Deonne finishes, and waits for the next question to come up. When nobody has anything else to say, Deonne stands up and her chair pushes out.

"Remember, the Peace Ball is in a few days. Please do get ready for it. Meeting adjourned." Deonne concludes, as five boys stand and file out of the room. Leaving Deonne and her boyfriend alone in the planning room.

Daehyun turns to her in his chair, and Deonne slumps back into her chair with a sigh.

"What do I do? We were so close to finally being able to crack every single one of my sisters' gangs, and now, we are back to square one with the Peace Ball in a few days and the Royal War in a few months. God, Daehyun, i'm freaking out." Deonne says, leaning over and putting her head on the table. Daehyun goes over to her, the chair rolling across the floor, and the puts a hand on her shoulder.

"You shouldn't be. You have us to stand behind you and support you. And by us, I mean me, Himchan, Youngjae, JunHong, Jongup, and even Yongguk. We will support you in any way, and every step of the way. We will win the War for you, just, lean on us a bit." Daehyun soothes, trying to get Deonne to lift her head up and off of the table.

"But, I'm the leader. I need to be like this, to be able to count on myself as well as my group.. I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't be taking all of the responsibility." Deonne says, lifting her head and then hugging Daehyun, getting out of the chair and into his lap.

"We have your back, just trust us, Deonne." Daehyun mumbles, holding Deonne closely to his chest and then taking in her sweet scent. Vanilla and Sugar, like the smell of his favorite cheesecake.

"Mmmm..." He sighs, smelling Deonne with a smile. His stomach rumbles aggressively, and his face flushes madly. Deonne lifts her head and looks her boyfriend in the eye, a playful smile gracing her lips.

"Why do you always get hungry when I'm here?" She asks, a slight laugh in her tone.

"You remind me of food, are you hungry?" Daehyun asks, his face still a bit pink from his stomach embarrassing him. Deonne giggles, and nods.

"Let's go eat then!" Daehyun says, putting his arm underneath Deonne's legs, and then picking her up bridal style.

He stands up, and walks out of the room and to the kitchen. Where Deonne and her group decide on dinner, eat, and then joke around with each other for the rest of the night until Deonne gives a sleepy yawn, and walks to her room with Daehyun to sleep until the next morning.

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