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Tyler began to regain his consciousness and a blazing migraine was felt on the left side of his head. He tried to lift his left hand to comfort it only for it to retract and be held under what felt like chains and shackles. Tyler started to worry, he was frightened of his unknown surroundings.

He slowly open his eyes to take a look around the area he was in. but he was met with an uncomfortable bed, a cell and a single lit torch. Tyler scrambled and wriggled trying to see if he could budge the chains. But they only left Tyler with reddening wrist and pain shooting up his arms.

Tyler attempted to take a look at his surrounding, trying to look for any natural light, only to be satisfied with an orange glow. He tried to look for a flaw in the cells, but had seen that they were just tiny squares that Tyler couldn't get through. He was left in this dark room with nothing but the memory of being knocked out.

Then a loud clash sounded, and the clink of a lock. Tyler's heart rate had sped and he was frightened for whomever may come around the corner. He saw a second orange glow make their way around the corner. As they got closer he started to hear whispers.

"I don't think he is awake yet," said voice one. They sounded shy and timid.

"He better be, that prince has a little over a day til is marriage and we cannot wait any longer. If we want this plan to work, he has to wake up now and not a second later," said voice two. They sounded terrifying and angry and husky in a way. And it gave Tyler cold shivers up his spine.

The orange glow was bright now and the two voices started to come around the corner. Tyler was met with the same man from the market with eye patch and a small boy with blonde hair and a straw hat. He was the one holding the torch and navigating them through the... cavern?

"Oh lookie, he is awake after all. Let's help him out Patrick." said the gruff man. The boy, Patrick took the torch and set it opposite to the torch that was already there, so that now the room was twice as bright. Patrick then looked through his pockets for the cell door key. "C'mon Patrick we don't have all day."

Patrick then pulled out a single key and pushed it into the lock, a clink going off signaling it was now open. The he gave the man the key. "Hello there," said the man. "We need your help, are you willing to comply." Tyler was frightened to answer so he focused on saying nothing. "I asked you a question you imbisult."

"What for? What could you possibly need me for?" Tyler knew the answer, he just didn't want to believe it.

"Oh to get what you want, little one. We want to help with your undying love for prince Joshua." he said in a dramatic way.

"I don't love, Joshua. What are you thinking in the hermit crab brain of yours."

"Oh why are those pretty lips of your lying."

"There's no lie being spilled," Tyler Said through gritted teeth.

"Well then, how excited are you for his wedding?"

"Why would I care?"

"Well, I just caught you. Instead of you rejoicing like everyone in the common's and local's, you reiterated the question asking why would you care. And you do care, you're just lying to yourself."

"What are you. A philosopher?"

"Ha! Caught again! You are trying to deprive this conversation into a different subject. Oh you must really love the Prince. This'll be too perfect." Tyler scoff at the man. "Help us out and I will set you free."

Tyler thought long and hard about his decision. If he accepts, he is let free and he could go home in the future. If he declines, he will stay here and go through this verbal torture. And he really isn't up for that. "Fine." he huffs out. The man stands clapping his hands. Then lowers himself again and removes the chains and shackles from around Tyler.

Tyler stands after everything is removed and rubs at his wrists. He is then grabbed my his elbow and led through the cavern. Patrick in front of them with the torch and the man by Tyler. Tyler didn't think that cavern was this long but then he was met with four little steps and an iron door. Patrick grabbed the key from the man and unlocked the door. This single key seeming to be able to open anything.

Tyler was met with blinding natural light and a bright home. There was sitting areas a large bed and a nice well put together kitchen and dining area that could fit up to eight people. Tyler thought about how the man and Patrick were so royalty like, especially with the way they dress. "Nice place isn't," said the man.

"Pete stop it, and lets just get this whole thing over with." said Patrick.

"Fine, sit at the table boy. Patrick go and get the ink and feather. And I will go get Larxen." Larxen? Tyler sat at the table taking in the decor in a more picking kind of manner. He hated this place. His and Joshua's plan were simple, and now this happens. Tyler tries to go back and only get knocked because of his stupidity.

First Patrick comes back, with large ink jar and a heavy feather. He lays the thick paper on the table and sets the jar on the left side, and feather on the right. Then Pete comes back with a large bird, he was surprisingly quiet. But then again the bird was a messenger.

"Okay, write to your lover."

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