Watse of time

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I left the school and got into my car after saying goodbye to Lena. 
I turned my Bluetooth on and my phone automatically connected with the car, I put my music on shuffle as I drove. 

The music soon became white noise and I drove. I was lost in my thoughts again.
I pulled up at that dreaded place. It's not that I don't mind coming here it's the fact that I always leave in a state.

I got out my car, and walked into the cemetery. I walked and walked and walked until I got to a big blossom tree. And under the tree was my mother's grave. I sat down beside her grave.
She took her own life. It was my dad's fault. He had been cheating on her and when he filled a divorce she just got really stressed. It was okay for a while, I was going back and forth between them but when my dad filled for full custody and got it my mom lost it and killed herself. I'd rather live with my mom anyway, I was closer to her.
My dad started drinking heavily after he found out she'd killed herself, he knew he was to blame. And then that whore moved in with us and started controlling him she tried to control me, I was having none of it. She tries to get me to call her mom, she'll never be my mom. My mom never smashed glass bottles over my head! My mom comforted me when I was down not laugh and kick me to the ground.

"I can't take it anymore mom, that whore is pushing her luck!" I cried. "Why did you leave me with them! How could you do that to me."
I just sat and cried for an hour.
I finally pulled myself together and walked to my car and slowly drove home.

When I did get home I opened the door and the house reeked of alcohol. I was always left to clean up their mess.
"Oh look who's home." Natalie spat "little miss perfect!"
I rolled my eyes and walked past her, picking up the empty cans and glass bottles and putting them in the bin.
"You're father and I are going out, no house parties or friends... like you have any." She howled in laughter staggering in her heals. "No body wants a little slutty cow like you, well you're a bit fat anyway. No one likes a fat girl, even if she is a slut."
I turned and our noses were almost touching.
"You're lucky I love your father or you would've been long gone." She hissed, spraying spit on my face.
I wiped my face and growled before pushing past her.
She pulled my hair and pushed me to the ground.
"Don't growl at me young lady." She roared.
I whimpered and got up before running to my room.

It was a while before I heard anything.
"Right Bailey, your mom and I are away. Lock the door behind us." My dad slurred. He's always too drunk to care.
I heard the door shut and I left my room, I went downstairs and locked the front door. I could just go out and throw the spare key away so they can't get in. But I can't do that to my dad, he's still my dad after all and I do love him. As much as I hate him.
I cleaned up the house while they were out and made myself some dinner. When I say dinner I mean a cracker. I that's all I eat when I come home. There's never any food in this house, they live off of takeaways, I'm surprised they've all not got something wrong with them. All the drinking they do and all the junk food they eat it's disgusting.

After that I went to my room and texted my friend Kyle. Kyle David Hall 😉.
To say I have the slightest crush on him would be a lie. I have a major crush on him.
Me: Hey! How's ur day been?
Kyle: okay I guess, u?
M: could've been better, got a new teacher. He's a dick.
K: everyone's a dick to u!
M: not everyone...
K: is that so?
M: yeah ur not a dick are u?
K: I guess not...
K: I need to go, text ya later. Emu 😜
M: okay Ms Kylie Sticky Balls 😜

I smiled to myself and put my phone on charge before locking my door, going for a shower. I'm lucky, there's only two bedrooms in this house and each one has an en-suit.

When I got out the shower I lay in the dark naked. I knew Whore and my dad wouldn't be back until the early hours of the morning.
I don't know why Natalie's words stung so much, maybe cause she's right.
I went back into my bathroom and found my little bag. I use it for emergencies.
I took out the small blade that gave me such a release. I'm not stupid enough to slit my wrists and leave the scars for everyone to see, instead I used my upper thigh. No one will see even when I wear shorts.

I slid the small blade across my tender skin, it split so easily. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, I let out a long sigh as I watch the blood run slowly down my leg.
I cut again, and again, and again. But my phone started ringing and I stopped.
I quickly wiped the blood off so I didn't get it on the carpet. I dived to my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked
"I need your help." Lena said.
"With what?" I asked
"Do you know Chase, yeah he asked me out what do I say?" Lena said.
"Em no I don't know Chase." I replied
"Yeah you do, remember when we first started high school, yeah he was in our class then he stopped coming to school. Yeah that's him. I have a major crush on him." She replied.
"Then say yes?" I said questionably.
"Em the thing is he's in a unit for under eighteens..." she mumbled. "He's getting out soon though as he is turning 19 soon."
"Lena..." I sighed.
"What!" She cried.
"If it makes you happy then say yes but you can't go on dates with him and all that and when he gets out and if you get into a bit of trouble with him I won't be able to help you. The only time you'll be able to see him is if you go visit him." I said.
"Okay. I've made up my mind." She said
"And I'm gonna say yes." She said.
"Okay." I sighed "I'm gonna go now, see you tomorrow."
"Ok bye," she said.

I hung up and went back into the bathroom. I picked up the blade, I looked at it, it was soaked with blood.

Why am I doing this! I'm giving in to them, I'm giving them what they want.
I quickly cleaned myself up and got changed into my pjs.
I managed to get some sleep before my phone rang, waking me up.

I answered it.
"Come pick us up right now, your fathers just past out and he's hit his head!" Natalie screamed down the phone.
"I'm on my way." I said running and  grabbing my keys "where are you?"
She told me that she was at her friend's house. She gave me directions and the address and I got in my car and drove as fast as I could.
Yeah my dad may be an alcoholic cunt and is always too drunk to care I still love him. I saw Natalie standing outside her friends house chewing her nails. When she saw me she motioned for me to hurry up. I jumped out my car and ran into her friends house.
They'd moved my dad onto the sofa, well Natalie's friends boyfriend did. 
"Have you tried waking him up?" I asked them.
"Yeah, he comes in and out of consciousness." Natalie's friends boyfriend said, he seemed to be the only sober one there.
"Can you help me get him into my car." I said.

We struggled to get him into the back of my car. Natalie sat in the passenger seat chewing on her nails. I thanked her friend and her friends boyfriend before driving off.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"The hospital." I replied.
She began to chew on her nails even more now.

I ran in to find someone who could help my dad out. I found a big male doctor who didn't look too busy.
"Hi, em I need help my dad is outside in the car he's hit his head and I need help getting him out." I said.
The doctor looked at me and came to help me. The doctor said he was getting him checked immediately cause he was having trouble staying awake. He might've hit a nerve in his brain and he might have brain damage.
My heart dropped when he said that.
They took him off to test him.

"Go home, get some sleep you've got school tomorrow." Natalie slurred.
"I'm not leaving him!" I replied.
"You need to! Now go!" She growled.
"No!" I snapped.
"Bailey, don't push your luck, he knows you've been here, you would've picked us up. Your the only with a car. You also have work tomorrow now fuck off before i make you." Natalie replied.
I sighed and left. Everyone kept giving looks of disgust because I was in my pjs. I couldn't care less.

I went home and managed to get some sleep. I hate sleeping it's such a waste of time.

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