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<<<three months and a bit later>>>

Bailey's POV

I've finally forgiven Andy. It seemed stupid to hold a grudge over a silly little kiss. I was just scared.
I was divested when he quit. But I still text him, especially when I'm down. The new teacher is a cunt. All she cares about is bloody fucking getting us good grades so she seems like a good teacher, she's got another thing coming. We're the dumbest English class in the whole school.
Ricky and I are on Speaking terms now. I mean it's better than clawing at each other.

We were going to the studio, all of us. There was a surprise. According  to my uncle. I sat in his car fidgeting like crazy. I hate surprises.
When we got there we went into our usual room. The guys were all sitting there looking super stoked and Kyle and I both exchanged looks. Let me explain what the situation between Kyle and I is, I'm still fucking mad at him for not being able to see that I liked him. But it's time for me to move on. He likes someone else and if I stick on him I'll be a loner.

"I've got announcement to make!" My uncle called as he and the receptionist gathered into the room. "Drum roll please!"
I rolled my eyes as we all clapped our hands against our thighs.
"The guys are going on tour! Black Veil Brides have sold out!" My uncle screamed with excitement causing a few of the guys, including Kyle to laugh.

That means Andy is going to be away for months, who am I going to talk to then? He's the only one who truly listens to me! My face fell. My uncle saw this.
"Oh smile!" He said.
I gave him a fake smile.
"What's up?" He asked
"Nothing, I just feel a little sick." I replied getting up "I'll be in the bathroom."

Andy's POV

When Bailey left we all exchanged looks, by we I mean Kyle, and Bailey's uncle. We knew she was lying.
"Go talk to her, your the only person he seems to get through to her." Bailey's uncle sighed as he rubbed his temples.
I nodded and went off to the girls bathroom. She was just entering as I turned the corner.

I knew no one else was in it, we were the only people in the building. So I followed her.
"Bailey what's up?" I asked as I opened the door. I stepped inside and the door swung shut behind me.
I blinked at how dim the lights were in here than the rest of the building.

And in that blink I found myself up against the door and those soft warm lips against mine. I couldn't resist. But then the relation came to me, Bailey didn't want this. She was hurt, broken.
I pulled away from the kiss.
"Bailey..." I sighed "you don't want this... what's up?"
"Everyone I like goes off and leaves me! Your the only person that seems to listen! Please don't leave me! I really like you! I was just scared the first time. I didn't want to be hurt, I didn't want to be used." She cried. Her eyes were sparkling with tears. I stroked her cheek as I stared into her eyes, wiping away any tears that dared to stain her face.

"I'm not going to leave you. I'll never leave you." I whispered. "I'll never hurt you like he did. I care about you."
She smiled at me. I felt warm again.
My lips were on her warm and welcoming ones. My heart was doing back flips. I could taste the salty fear of her tears. I wanted her to feel safe. Feel herself around me.
She opened her mouth allowing my tongue in, it explored and tasted her. She moaned ever so slightly, my heart jumped at the sound. It was like a choir of angels.

There was a knock on the door which brought me back to earth. I pulled back. Bailey's cheeks were flushed pink, she was smiling. She looked at the ground.
"Aw, your embarrassed." I laughed. She punched my arm.
"Am not!"
"Okay whatever you say Madam." I said holding my arms in a mock surrender. She giggled. The knock was again.

"Coming." Bailey called.
Oh I wish you were...
stop it Andy! Stop it now!
What it's true! Coming into my mouth.
No! Stop.
I sighed, I'm going insane.
She looked at me before leaving. The smile never left her face. I quickly followed behind.

Ricky stood crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently.
He seems to be everywhere now! He needs to disappear!!! The little dick!
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Picking up Bailey. She's staying with Lena and us." He said looking over at Mike who was spinning around on the receptionist' chair.
"Right... just don't smoke." I said giving Mike a questionable look.
"Have a nice chat?" Ricky hissed.
"Yeah." I replied.
"I'll have your head!" He growled.
"For what exactly?" I asked.
"For...." he was thinking. I just laughed loudly. "For being a dick and using Bailey."
I scoffed "I actually care about her, unlike you did. I mean controlling and cheating are such caring things to do I mean that's so irreparable!"
Ricky growled at me before he turned on his heal and left, yelling behind him "Bailey hurry up, we'll be in the car!"

I went into the room. The bus would be coming soon, I can't wait to see what it looked like.
"Are you waiting to see or?" I asked Bailey, her face was still pink and she was still smiling.
"Can't leave them waiting, they'd have a fit. They're all so impatient." She laughed.
I sighed. I hated the way Ricky looked at her, he looked hungry when he looked at her I could always see the mischief playing on his face like he was planning something. I hate how Mike goes along with anything he says, Mike could be a good student if he wasn't following Ricky's every move.

When the bus showed I wasn't as excited as I was before. I really didn't want to leave Bailey. She was broken... it's hard to leave someone like that. I just want to fix her. Take away all the pain. She still hasn't got her dad's funeral sorted out. She doesn't have the money for it. It's a shame really.

I walked inside. It was massive. Ash and CC went right to the back of the bus. I stayed closer to the front. The bunks were huge, they had lights and sockets in them. I can't believe we sold out though. I mean we had done a few gigs here and there but now we were actually touring. The bus had a living room, a kitchen, bathroom and a shower. I know for a fact this is going to be fun.

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