First Day Nerves

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Mr Biersack's POV

I was actually quiet nervous starting this new school as I didn't know my way about it. And I have so much responsibilities. I'm a pupil support teacher, I teach PSE to horny 18 year olds and I also teach English.
Mrs Bennetts spoke so highly of her students but it was time for her to retire. But there was one student she spoke off, she said she was an angel. Her name was Bailey Johnson. Apparently she was fragile and kept to herself but she worked hard and showed a great interest for English but she was a daydreamer and that could be a problem sometimes.

The first class I had to teach was PSE class then the rest of the day I teach English.
The bell went and students pored in.
I wrote my name on the bored and when I turned around all the girls, even some boys had their mouths open. Most of them shut their mouths when they noticed me staring, but the girl at the back couldn't have cared less wether she knew I had caught her staring or not.

"Em, good morning class I'm Mr Biersack. I'm going to be replacing Mrs Bennetts as it was time for her to retire. Today we're not going to be doing much. All we're gonna be doing is writing down what we've done so I know what we're gonna need to do then we can just chill and talk yeah?" I asked.
They all nodded and got to work. I sat at the desk and began doodling.

Then a girl walked in.
She had dark circles under her forest green eyes, yet they still glistened.
"You're late." I say.
She turns to face me, I look at her. And take her all in. Her brown hair was smooth and shiny, her lips were perfectly shaped, a small fake smile found there way onto them and her cute freckles dotted across her face made her look beautifully different.
"I slept in." She replies, her voice was sweet like honey and soft like silk but that was covering up her annoyance which I could also hear.
Get a grip Andy she is a student! You don't even know her!
"You need better time keeping skills." I replied.
Her fake smile dropped off her face and she glared at me.
"It won't happen again." She said half growling.
Well it is my job to be a moany teacher.

The girl sat beside the girl at the back, the one with the black hair and deep ocean blue eyes, the one that was drooling. I read her work her name is Lena.
"What's your name?" I asked the brown haired girl.
"Bailey." She replied.
"Bailey what?" I asked.
"Johnson." She said.
Oh so this is the girl Mrs Bennetts has been talking about. Let's see if she lives up to her tittle.

I began to talk about how they should be thinking about their choices and what they're gonna do when they graduate. I really had no idea what I was talking about.
I look from face to face. Each girl had their eyes directly one me, clinging on to everyone word I said, even some boys. I'm guess there was no lesbians in this class. The boys were all talking or hitting one and other out of boredom. I look up at Lena and Bailey. Lena was sitting smiling at me whereas Bailey was sitting staring into to space clearly not listening.

"Bailey are you listening?" I said. There was no reply and everyone turned to look at her. "Ms Johnson!"
She looked at me. "Ye?"
"What did I just ask you?" I asked.
She just looked right through me "I don't know sir."
"Because you weren't listening." I snapped.
She rolled her eyes.
"As I was saying..." I continued with what I was talking about.

After the lesson I grabbed my folder and went found my way around the school to the classroom I was allocated. Mrs Bennetts old classroom. It was colourful and well kept. The desk was too tidy and neat for my liking though. All different papers for different classes all filed in to different folders.

I had sophomores for most of the day a few juniors and then the so highly talked about Seniors.
Bailey and Lena walked in talking away. Lena smiled at me and Bailey just shook her head at her friend.
They sat at the back beside the window.. I sighed.
"Take your seats, I've heard some good things about this class." I said. Which I have and I'm expecting good things.
"So today I'm just gonna get to know you, I want you to write down a few things about yourself like your name what you like and who you live with or whatever. At least five facts about yourself. I'll give you a few minutes to do that and I'll go around the class."

I sat down and watch them all begin to write. A few moments passed and I went around the class. Of few of the pupils seemed fairly interesting and others clearly didn't put much effort into their work, Bailey being one of them. She says she's not interesting but I know that isn't true.
"You got that right." A boy named Ricky Mills yelled "you're an emo cutter that no one cares about, why are you still living again?"
My blood boiled. I hate bully bastards like him! All Bailey did was roll her eyes as if it was nothing.
"Go stand outside young man." I said rather calmly.
The boy, Ricky got up laughing.
"Continue please." I said to Bailey.
"I've got nothing to say." She replied and sat down.

I sighed and went out to speak with the boy.
"How dare you say such things!" I growled at him. "You have no proof that she does and even if she did you're not helping by asking her 'why are you still living again.'"
Ricky looked at me and replied with "I do have proof, I've got pictures."
I just looked at him.
He pulled out his phone and scrolled through it it took a while.
He then pulled up his phone and turned it to me, there was a girl laying in her panties and a top that was clearly to big but had ridden up. On her upper thighs were scars, some fresh wounds as well. Her brown hair slightly covering her face but you could still see that it was Bailey. A younger Bailey, maybe a few years younger.
"Put that away you should not be showing me that." I replied.
"She said it was her cat and I believed her then a few days later I realised, what cat scratches away up there and she didn't even have a cat!" He snarled "so don't go screaming in my face when it's true!"
"You still have no right to ask her why she's still living when you clearly know she's not stable!" I growled back. "Go down to your head of year and tell them why exactly you're there!"
And with that I turned and entered the class.

The bell went and I wanted to speak to Bailey about it. I want her to know that's there is people who care and who are here to help her.
"Miss Johnson will you stay behind." I said.
She turned to give her friend a look and her friend mouthed something before leaving the class.
Bailey walked to my desk and looked at me.
"Why do you let him give you shit?" I asked bluntly.
She just stared at me "I'm used to it, it doesn't effect me in the slightest."
"Do you cut?" I asked.
Something flashed in her eyes before she said "no."
"You're lying." I blurted out.
Rage flashed in her eyes "I do not! Even if I did it wouldn't be any of your business."
"It is my business as I'm your teacher and I've got a duty of care." He replied. "Yes only when I'm in school but as soon as I leave this building I'm none of your concern." She replied
"Actually you're wrong, your my concern until you get home, anything can happen between lunch hours or whatever and even then your home might not be the safest place." I said.
She suddenly went pale, very pale.
"May I leave now?" She asked.
"Fine." I sighed "but I'm not done, I'll speak with you tomorrow."
She turned to leave. Her fist shaking with rage.
I knew I stepped over a line but I just want to help. I hate to know that things like this is happening and I can't help.

I did a bit of paper work before leaving. I drove home to my empty house. I hate it when it's this quiet. But my fiancé cheated on me, more than once and I wasn't having it. So I kicked broke up with her and kicked her out.
I put on music and grabbed a beer.

CC text me.
CC: hey dude we've found a studio
Me: really? Are they letting us record there?
CC: yeah, come straight after work tomorrow.
Me: ok send me the location.
CC sent his location.
CC: yeah we're just leaving.
Me: ok I'll see you guys tomorrow then
CC: yeah text you tomorrow
I smiled at my phone. Finally. It took us this long.

And for once in a long time I went to bed happy.

Mr BiersackWhere stories live. Discover now