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Hazel's POV

I can still remember when it happened. I was having a great day until that phone call came.

I was at my Aunt Marissa's house. It was late, probably ten o'clock or so. We were watching Glee with my older cousin, Margaret. They were about to start their performance when the phone rang. My aunt paused the show. My cousin and I both groaned and she whispered away from the receiver, "It will only be a minute."

She listened to the person on the other end of the line for a long moment. Suddenly, she dropped the phone.

"Mom!" Margaret yelped, "What's wrong?"

Marissa blinked, then shut off the TV, "Get in the car, kids."

"But I'm in my pajamas, and it's ten thirty!" I say. What's going on?

"NOW!" She shouts. Margaret and I look at each other. This can't be good. I grab my phone and my coat, and rush out the door into the chilly November air. Margaret jumps in the front seat, and I hop into the back. I don't know what's going on. Margaret looks back at me, confused, and it's clear she doesn't either.

We drive in silence towards town for a while, until I gather the courage to speak, "Aunt Marissa? Is everything alright?"

"No," she says, after hesitating, "Hazel, there's been... there's been an accident."

"What kind of accident?" I ask quietly. This is not sounding good.

"A plane crash," she responds, growing quiet. "Your parents," her voice cracks, "Your parents were injured."

I gasp. My eyes widen as I realize what this means. How badly are they hurt? Will they die? I could become an orphan, or live on the streets. What if I am fostered into a terrible family? A tear makes its way down my cheek.

"You'll be okay, Hazelnut," my aunt says, even though she is crying too. She uses the nickname my parents and her use. A nickname that I didn't know then, but would disappear from my life not long after. I stifle a sob.

After about twenty more minutes of silence, we pull into a hospital parking lot. Sign reads QUEENS HOSPITAL CENTER. We rush inside to the front desk.

My aunt speaks calmly, by some superpower, "Hello, we're looking for Anna and Scott Nelson?"

The lobbyist types a few words into the computer. Her face morphs into a frown. "I'm afraid they passed away about ten minutes ago. You can still see them if you'd like, in room 226."

I break down in sobs. This can't be happening. My parents, dead? I was supposed to live a normal life, and have a normal family, and in an instant that was all taken away from me. My aunt holds me and strokes my hair and hums a song in my ear. I recognize it as Dear Theodosia from Hamilton, a musical my cousin and I love. I cry into her shoulder until I fall asleep.

A/N alright if you are reading this thank you! I never thought anyone would read this and if you are reading the authors note you are even better! I will probably introduce Lin in a chapter or two, so stay tuned. I really have no update schedule.

I hope you liked the prologue! Comment and vote!


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