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Quick reminder: THERE'S SMUT! Read at your own risk. Is not necessary to read, we all know what happens. But I wanted to write it. I had to make a lot of research (I read a lot of smut in order to write this one) to write it. So if you read it bear with me and my shitty abilities to write smut. I'll put a note when the smut is over!

They left and went to the beach house. Montgomery opened the door and Emily went inside.

"It's beautiful, Monty" she said looking at the view they had. "It is" Montgomery said walking behind her and placing soft kisses on her neck. Emily turned around giving him easy access to her neck.

(Sooo it starts here)

Emily's hands wandered up to Montgomery's shirt and unbuttoned it. She pushed his shirt off and looked for his lips and kissed him passionately. He lifted her up and placed her down on the bed. Emily made him lay down on the bed. She straddled him and kissed his neck. She could feel the erection growing beneath her. His hands roamed up her body and pulled the zipper of her dress down and removed it gently.

Emily unbuckled his belt and help him get his pants off, leaving him on boxers. Montgomery turned her around and kissed her neck making Emily moan. The lust and passion was evident between the two of them. Montgomery got off her to get a condom.

"Princesa, are you sure? I can wait. I don't want you to feel pressured" he said looking at her eyes. Emily kissed him sweetly "Baby, it's ok. I want this." She said holding his face.

He nodded and went back to kissing her neck he was determined to leave some hickeys. He unclasped her bra and left a trail of kisses from her neck to her breasts. He started to suck one of them and massaging the other then moves to her other breast earning loud moans from Emily.

"Baby, I want you" she moaned. "Wait a little more baby girl" he kissed her stomach going down and then back up. The friction he was causing between  Emily's legs made her whine.

"Baby, please" Emily palmed Montgomery's members through the boxers making him groan. "Please" she now grabs it earning a moan.

He removed her undergarments and slide two fingers in. Emily was a moaning mess as he moved his fingers in and out.

"Montgomery I-I'm going-" she said between moans. Montgomery took his fingers out making Emily whine. "Not yet baby girl" he takes the condom he placed on the night table and slides it on.

He places himself between Emily's legs and looks at her. Emily nodded, just wanting to feel him. He slowly pushes his length in making Emily gasp. He waits for Emily to adjust to his size and starts moving it in and out slowly at first. He starts to pick up his pace and places Emily's legs around him. Emily digs her nails in his back

"Monty, fuck oh my-" she connected their lips and kissed him deeply. As he hit her g-spot making her moan in the kiss arching her back. "Fuck, baby it feels so good" he says placing a hand on her face.

"Faster, babe" Emily moans, making Montgomery grunts.

Montgomery pulls out and Emily gets on all fours. Montgomery slides it back in going faster grabbing Emily's breasts. Emily leans back when Montgomery kisses her neck. She can hear him moan on her ear and feel the shorts breaths he had. Emily tried to contain herself but she was getting close to her climax and moaned louder. Montgomery was getting to his climax too, so he starts going harder holding her waist. He hits the right spot repeatedly making Emily go weak enough to hold her torso up. She let herself fall down while Montgomery grips her waist.

With you//Montgomery De La Cruz Where stories live. Discover now