Chapter 17

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~Miya's POV~
Miya watched as Himiko raised the knife up, with tears falling down her face. Is this is? Is this how I die? At the hands of one of my friends? She thought to herself, her eyes widening in horror as Himiko swung down the knife, she shut her eyes and let out a scream, expecting Tamai's scream to be cut off, but it never did. It only got louder.

Miya opened her eyes, and looked over at Himiko, who was on her knees, blood dripping down from her chest. Her friend looked up, her hood had fallen down and it showed her full face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and her hair was messed up, some of it had fallen out of her ponytail, and was sticking to her face, and blood ran down from the corner of her lips.

"I'm sorry." Himiko whispered. "It was either I kill you, or..." She trailed off, her eyes looking to the ground for a second, Miya thought she was dead, but she saw her hand tighten around the blade. "It was all a test, a stupid, stupid test. But I had to pass it somehow, if I didn't..." Her voice was getting weaker. "I had no choice."

"Sh, Himi, just stop talking." Tamai started, her voice was shaking. "We'll call an ambulance, you'll be fine-"

"No. Nothing will change" Himiko said. She looked Tamai in the eyes. "If I killed you guys, I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of it. Knowing I killed three of my best friends." Her eyes flickered to the rope that was around Tamai's arms, though now it was laying on the ground, her hands free.

"I cut you free. First thing you need to do is call the cops." She reached a hand towards Tamai's and placed it gently on it. Blood dripping from Himiko's hand onto Tamai's. "Go. And don't look back. I'm not long for..." She took a shaky breath. She kept trailing off, and her eyes kept focusing and unfocusing. It was obvious to Miya that Himiko was close to loosing consciousness.

"Himiko, no, please, don't do this!" Shirai shrieked, her voice shaking madly. "Please!"

"It's too late." Himiko whispered. She coughed, blood rushing out of her mouth and splattering onto the floor. She moved her arm up to wipe her mouth, and then it fell limp. When Himiko looked at Miya, she could see that her friend was getting extremely weak. "Hey, Miya, make sure to hook up with Tamaki, okay?"

Miya let out a weak laugh, Himiko was still trying to set her and Tamaki up, even when she was this close to death, "No guarantees." She said sadly.

"Shame, you two would make a cute couple." Himiko said. "Anyways, You three had better go." She paused for a moment, seeming to listen to something. "The guards stationed at the doors are out cold, most likely by a dart or something. Anyways, you should be free to escape. And don't worry about calling the cops, everything will be gone by the morning..."

"Even-" Shirai started.

Himiko nodded, seeming to know what Shirai was going to say. "Even me." She whispered.

"No! We're not leaving without you!" Tamai said, standing up, getting free from her bindings.

Himiko looked up at her, "You have no choice." She said, "This is where I belong. I'm just like them."

~Tamai's POV~
"I'm just like them." Tamai heard her friend whispered.

"What do you mean?" Tamai asked.

Himiko looked at her, dead in the eyes. "I mean what I say." She said, "I'm just like them. I'm a..." She tailed off, but Tamai caught what Himiko was going to say. She was going to say killer. Then it hit her, she knew what Himiko was, but she didn't say anything, she knelt down beside Shirai and started to untie her bindings.

"We can't promise that we won't call anyone." Tamai said calmly, trying to stop her voice from shaking.

"Well, do what you must." Himiko whispered quietly. "I won't be here when they come. Just remember, it's not your fault, I was the one who stabbed myself, it was my fault."

Tamai finished with Shirai's ropes and the two moved over to Miya.

"Don't say that, y-you'll be fine! We'll call an a-ambulance!" Miya exclaimed, tears staring to fall down her cheeks.

"Don't cry, Miya. You spent hours on that makeup." Himiko said, laughing weakly.

"Is this really time to make jokes?" Tamai asked. "You have a knife in your chest!"

"Woah, schocker. I totally can't feel the pain." Himiko said, her voice full of sarcasm, coughing up more blood. She looked up to see all three of her friends standing in front of her, free of their bindings. "Go. You're all free."

They looked at her. "We'll call an ambulance." Tamai said. "Just sit tight." The three headed to the door and opened it, looking out and seeing four men passed out on the floor, darts stuck on either their arms or necks

Tamai looked back at Himiko, who was kneeling on the ground, she watched as her friends hand had slipped limply from the handle of the blade onto the ground, her body shifting ever so slightly, and a charm dangling from her hair tie, glinting in the dull light. The black rose.

She reached up to the light peach rose on her neck and held it tightly. Pulling her gaze away from the limp body of her friend and walked outside the abandoned warehouse, seeing a limo parked in front of it.

"Please, if you three will get in, I will personally take you home." A man said, he looked proper, like a real gentleman.

"How can we trust you?" Shirai asked.

The man looked up at the three, a small smile on his face. "You are wise not to trust me at first, but I can assure you, you've helped your friend pass her test, and now it's time for you three to return home. I promise I won't hurt you. I have no weapons on me." He bowed slightly and stood next to the open door of the limo. "If you'd like, you can walk home, but I doubt it's very safe out there at this time of night."

The three glanced at each other and all decided it was best to go with that man, they were tired, and Tamai knew that they all just wanted this to be a bad dream.

"Can we call an ambulance?" Tamai asked.

"You can, but I doubt they would find anything." The man said, bowing slightly. "Your bags are in the car."

The three nodded and all got in, staying close together and Tamai got out her phone from her school bag, and dialed 119, watching the warehouse as it got further in the distance, and listened as the phone was picked up.

~Himiko's POV~
Himiko heard her friends footsteps fade into the distance. And she heard a door open from another space in the room, she didn't bother moving as a hand was placed lightly on her head.

She heard four words before blackness engulfed her vision.

"You passed the test."

You're welcome, Sinners. I doubt any of you signed up for this feels trip, but ya should of read the fine print! *cough*akaIalwaysdosomethingbadtomycharacters*cough* Anyways, there's one more chapter after this one, so, hope you all enjoy!

*119* emergency line for Japan

-Sin, who is not regretting a thing

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