Comebacks (⚠ some are "inappropriate"⚠)

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You: "Sorry I was sick.."
Teacher: "You're lying, aren't you?"
You: "No, I was sick and tired of this you and stupid school."

???: Haha! You failed!"
You: "Yeah, so did your dads condom."

???: "Why are you so quiet?"
You: "I dont waste words."

Teacher: "Why are you talking during my lesson?"
You: "Why are you teaching during my conversation?"

???: "All men are dogs."
???: "Dogs are loyal if you treat them right."

???: "Bitch."
You: "Call me a bitch again I dare you."
???: "Bitch."
You: "Thats right, bitches do what they're told."

Teacher: "Why did you fail the test?"
You: "Why did you fail to educate?"

???: "I need my beauty sleep."
You: "Bitch you need to f*cking hibernate."

???: "Kill yourself."
You: "If I wanted wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ."

???: "That song is so old."
You: "So is your mom but you still listen to her."

???: "Thats why you dont have any friends Now."
You: "The only time you hang out with your friends is when you look in the mirror."

You: "Aww, you're spreading rumors about me? Nice to know you have a hobby of spreading things other than your legs."

???: "Suck it."
You: "I'm sorry but small parts have a choking hazard."

???: "Why are you so fat?"
You: "Because every time I f*ck your bitch she gives me a biscuit."

???: "That's so gay."
Guy: "Thats not what your mom said last night."
???: "You dont know my mom."
Guy: "Neither does your dad."

???: "Your d*ck is probably like a tictac."
Guy: "No wonder your moms breath is so fresh."

???: "I did your mom last night."
Guy: "Now we're even."

???: "If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together."
You: "At least N and O are already together."

???: "You're so ugly."
You: "I was trying to look like you today."
BFF: "I'm sorry, but, she ISNT A F*CKINF MIRROR."

You: "Oh, I offended you with my opinion? You should hear the ones I keep to myself."






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