chapter one-recruited

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I had packed all week for today now that it was here I was sad especially sense I was 18 and had four suitcases that had everything I owned in them. 18 and only four suitcases to show for it. my parents drove me all the way to the school it was a three hour drive. when we got there I had to admit it was beautiful. tall mansion like hours surrounded by trees on one side and a huge lake with mountains on the other. there was a garden of wild plants scattered through the front yard. I walked to the front door with one suitcase while my dad took two and my mom took the last one. I walked in and the inside was huge. Windows that allowed sunlight to dance through the whole room. there was a marble staircase leading up stairs. a walked down, very cute one at that. maybe about six feet tall with dark brown hair that was just long enough to get in his eyes which were a brilliant green. he had sharp features that the light casted shadows on. "Ryan?" my dad asked dropping the suitcases. "yes, that's me it's good to see you Jerry" he nodded too my dad then my mom "Melissa and you must be Emily?" his gaze fixed on me. "yup that's me but I would prefer Em" I replied to him which must have sounded snarky because my mom apologized for my manners. "fallow me and I'll show you your room and you will have a door connecting you two the one next to you. and there is a group of three in the three rooms all are connecting. they just got here today as well. you will train with them and hopefully you will get along" he started up the stairs and we all walked after him. he opened the door and stepped aside so we could walk in. it was huge, there was a platform to the bed with a walk in closet with a wood dresser in it. one wall was Windows looking over the lake. I dropped the suitcase and opened one door to find a bathroom. and then another to find a roo. simpler to mine. "that is nina's room and next to It is Sara. you will eat lunch together get to know one another strengths and weaknesses then tomorrow morning we start with training." with that my parents said goodbye and left. with a sigh I walked around the house meeting a few people and found out who the cheerleader squad, every schools got one right? then I went to eat with the others and found my roommates by asking one girl who is apparently Nina. we found Sara and together we sat down and started to talk. we were all pretty much the same. like our sense of humor and music likes what we like to read and so on. except Nina is a fire fae and Sara is a werewolf like me which is apparently rare sense we could get uncontrollable then put down. great my life just rocks.

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