Strange Feelings

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*Mark POV*

She is so cute in my shirt, and even cuter when she's happy. I can't believe that Alex dude did that to her and on their wedding day, with her friend. If I ever see him again I'm going to kill him for what he did to poor y/n. We will enjoy some pizza and watch a movie, she can choose that way it will take her mind of todays disaster and she can have a bit of quality time with me her best friend since we haven't seen each other in 9 years. She's changed a lot but so have I and I think its for the better.

The room phone interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh okay..yeah be right there"

*Y/n POV*

The rooms phone went off and mark got it, you guess its the receptionist calling about the pizza. As mark left you turned off the tv. The same question had been bugging you since you got to the beach, why? why had he chose bf/n over you? was she prettier?smarter? just over all better than you? You wanted to know why he would do such a thing, you had been dating for 3 years and on the biggest day of your life he turns around says that he loves her. Did you do something wrong? or are you too stupid? ?pathetic? not good enough? the thoughts swirl in your head.

Then you start to cry, why? why? why? the horrible thoughts stick in your head and don't leave. You find yourself starting to think about suicide. And thoughts like 'it would help everyone' 'he didn't love you so just kill yourself' ' pathetic the only reason mark came was because he didn't want to seem rude' ' he doesn't like you' 'just give up' "stop it get out of my head" you start clutching your head crying. You find yourself in the bathroom writing a letter to mark say you give up and you want it to end.

You find his razor any bring it to your wrist. Tears streaming down your face as you bring it closer, then mark comes through the door with the pizza.

"Yo y/n I got the pizzaaaaa" mark calls out

"Y/n were are you" mark asked with worry in his voice

"Y/n?" you sniffle a bit hesitating

Mark opens the bathroom door and runs up to you grabbing the razor and putting it on the sink

"Y/n why?" Mark asks you, his words are soft and comforting.

"Y/n come here" Mark pulls you into a hug it last for a few seconds before he picks you up bridle style and carries you to the couch. He wraps you up in blankets before grabbing the pizza and bring it to the couch.

"What do you want to watch?" Mark asks as he cuddles you making you feel a little bit better.

*Mark POV*

As I grab the remote ready to put on anything she asks

"C...c..can....w...w..we..w..w..watched....M..m.moana..p.p.please?" she asks between sobs and sniffles

"Of course we can" I've already seen it but if thats what she wants to watch thats what we are going to watch, I enjoyed it the first time anyway.

The movie starts and we start to snack on the pizza, I made popcorn and we got a few nibbles for the movie.

~time skip brought to you by maui's hook~

The movie ended and she let out the most cutest yawn ever.

"You can sleep on the bed ill sleep here on the lounge ok?" I ask her, I want her sleeping in the room because of what she's went through.

"ok, im to tired to argue anyways" she says as she lets out another adorable yawn. I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom and tuck her in. I;m still trying to figure out way he chose her friend over her she's so beautiful and kind, caring and just over all amazing. When I saw her walking down the aisles I couldn't believe my eyes she got prettier. In high school I did have a bit of a crush on her even though she was two grades below me she was really pretty for her age, I would even go all the way to say perfect in m eyes and it didn't matter if nobody thought the same because I thought she was and thats that.

As I snap out of my thoughts I realised I had been staring at her. I quickly grabbed some of the spare blankets they keep in the wardrobe incase it gets cold and places them on the couch for me to use.

~time skip to the middle of the night cause story plot~

I awoke to find y/n standing over me, her face was stained with her tears. Why was she crying?

"Y/n why are you crying?" she just put out her hand and mumbled something about nightmare and me laying with her. I smirk and grabbed her hand as we walked back to the bedroom. It was dark so we felt our way back to the bed.

*y/n POV*

You had a nightmare so you asked mark to sleep with you, you could just see his smirk as he grabbed your hand and you walked back to the room. It was dark so you and him had to feel your way back to the bed. It wasn't until you were under the covers and cuddling until you realised that he was shirtless. Your face flared every shade of red, it felt like it was on fire. You were glad its so dark so he couldn't see your face, that would be more embarrassing.

~time skip to morning~

When you woke up you were in the bed by yourself. He must be in the living room. You made your way out of bed and into the living room and found mark sitting on the couch eating left over pizza, you join him on the couch and silently take a piece of pizza and start to eat it. You weren't really hungry but you knew mark was going to make you eat anyway, you and him sat in silence it was a nice silence.

"I didn't know the human face could get that red you know" mark said as he turns to you with a smirk plastered on his face

"I ar um no I mean I um you see Im I mean umm" you fumble over words as you feel your face heating up again. You hear him chuckle, you just can't get enough of it.

"Im kidding" mark says as he pats your leg

"Well Ima call your mum so she knows that you stayed with me and doesn't start freaking out and you can go grab one of my shirts and have a shower if you want" he says has he gets up and grabs his phone.

"ok" you say as you walk off.

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