A Day To Relax

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*Y/n Pov*

That night Mark and you slept together. You had eaten half of the chocolate bar before Mark had suggested that you put it down and went to bed. Today all you wanted to do was play the Xbox or wii and hang out with Mark. Mark didn't mind since you two were hanging out and thats all he wanted to do for the next two days that you were going to be here.

"Hey Meeeerk"

"whats up y/n" Mark said putting down his controller and turning to you,

"Could you pass me that bar off chocolate?" you say pointing to the bar of chocolate that was right in front of you,

"Can't you do it?" Mark asks laughing,

"Meeeeeeerk! Pleeeeeaaaaase!" you whined flopping your arms around,

"Fine, here ya go" Mark said throwing the chocolate at you. You broke of some and gave it to Mark before biting a big chunk of the corner of the bar.

"Have you even packed or are you waiting for the last minute to do it?" Mark asked stretching,

"I've done good this time, I've packed half of my clothes" you say feeling good about yourself,

"Haha well then how about I help you since I know you won't do it yourself" Mark laughed bending down so you could hop onto his back. He carried you into your room and placed you down on your bed,

"Ok! so since your like permanently moving to L.A with me and you probably want be able to drive down the road to your house we need to pick your favourite clothes or whatever we can fit into your bags, that reminds me you can only take two bags" Mark finished, walking over to your closet and opening it up.

The next half n hour was spent choosing clothes that you were going to pack. Most of your clothes fit into one bag, and Mark helped you clean out your closet. It was around the afternoon when you guys decided that you would finish packing your bags tomorrow.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the afternoon" Mark asked you looking into your y/e/c eyes, you looked into his chocolate brown eyes, you could stare into them forever. As you stared into Marks eyes you suddenly started craving chocolate again, you jumped up from your bed and darted into the kitchen to grab the chocolate that was in the fridge.

Mark came walking out laughing, " whats so funny?" you asked with a mouth full of chocolate,

"haha that you you hahahaha you dart out of the room haha for some chocolate hehe when you already had some haha in your hand" Mark laughed pointing to your other hand which did in fact still have an almost empty chocolate wrapper, you swallowed what was in your mouth then eat the last of the chocolate out of the now empty wrapper, putting it in the bin.

"Hey Mark lets record a video, like a gaming video since we did a skit yesterday" you say walking into the lounge room.

"Ok well what game are we going to play?" Mark asks following you,

"I've got gang beasts" you said loading up the game,

"Ok so we'll record a video for your channel and then we'll do one for mine, sound like a plan?" Mark said pulling out his camera,

"Cool, let's do this" you say taking a seat seat next to Mark.

~Time Skip~

Your mum had gotten back from getting take out, so you quickly walked out the front door and helped your mum bring the pizza inside. Mark had started setting the table, you placed the two boxes of pizza down in the middle of the table and your mum placed the garlic bread next to the boxes. Mark was placing the plates down for everyone while you and your mum took a seat at the table, Mark sat down beside you. Your mum opened up the boxes of pizza, she had gotten your two favourite flavours.

~Time Skip~

After dinner your mum put on a movie and you all sat down and watched it. After the movie you had fallen asleep which meant that Mark would have to carry you to bed, good thing you had had your shower and got dressed into your pyjamas.

*Marks Pov*

Y/n fell asleep at the ending of the movie. She's beautiful when she's sleeping.

"Good night see you two in the morning" Y/n's mum said as she walked off to her room,

"Night" I called back, I picked up y/n and carried her back to her room, I placed her under the blankets and then hoped in after her. She immediately snuggled up to me, she's so warm, I cuddle her back and soon fell asleep.


Does she even like me like that?!??????!!!!!

~Time Skip~

*Y/n's Pov*
You woke up before Mark and decided that You were going to finish packing since you can't really do anything till he wakes up.

~Time Skip~
Mark was still asleep after you had finished packing. Then it dawned on you, you hadn't bought plane tickets for you. You quickly jumped on Mark trying to wake him up,

"The fuck y/n! What was that for?" Mark asked rubbing his eyes,

"I don't have plane tickets and I don't think we could go buy them right now since we leave tomorrow" you say, ruffling up his hair,

"You don't think I would have thought of that? Silly y/n" Mark said brushing his hair to the side.

"Well since your awake lets do something" you say bouncing up and down on the bed,

"Well we could finish packing your bags since we leave tomorrow" Mark said standing up and stretching,

"Well mister Markimoo I've already done that"

"Really so you have all you makeup and womanly needs packed" Mark said mocking you,

"I don't have that much makeup but yes and yes"

"Good so we have the whole day to hang out with you mum because I think she'll miss you" Mark said, grabbing some clothes and walking of to the bathroom.

Sorry for the late update I'm going to try and get back on track soz ☺️

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