Chapter 3

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“Give me the flat screwdriver,” seven year old Alex mumbled, distractedly.

            Nick, also seven, passed Alex the flathead screwdriver, “What are you making?”

            Alex frowned and held up a box-looking thing with wires hanging out, “Denny telled me it's supposed to detect heat,” she mumbled. “I think I busted it...”

            Nick poked it, “Maybe if you plugged those wires in somewhere.”

            Alex motioned for Nick to hush as she spread pieces of the machine out on the table and pushed the things she didn't need off the table. Alex looked at all of the pieces and imagined them fitting together. After a minute she grabbed two pieces and held out her hand, “Penknife,” she said.

            Nick handed Alex her penknife and she started attaching the two parts with a screwdriver before pulling apart another piece. She grabbed another piece, attached it to the two pieces and tossed the penknife to the side, “You got a-”

            “Phillips head?” Nick asked.

            Alex looked up, smiled and kissed Nick on the cheek, “Nick, you is lovely,” she said before taking the Phillips head and going back to work.

            Nick's face flushed and his older brother, David, started laughing from his place against the wall, “Man, she's got you whipped,” he said with a grin. “How's it going?” he added walking over to them and leaning against the table.

            Nick looked over at David in shock, “When'd you get there?” he asked, glaring at his brother.

            David was fourteen and, according to Hanna, he was the handsomest boy in the Rebels with his light brown-black hair and lean muscles. He was also one of the youngest runners and one of the best teenage techs.

            David laughed, “A few minutes,” he said. “Hey little lady.”

            Alex looked up at grinned, “Hey, Day-Day,” she said with a grin. “How are you?”

            David shook his head and chuckled, “Good. How are you?”

            Alex smiled before looking back down at her work and fitting two pieces together, “I'm well,” she said. “Denny gave me homework.”

            David chuckled, “More like a puzzle,” he said.

            Alex shrugged, “Almost done...”

            David chuckled and watched Alex as she finished the heat detector.

            “Nice,” David said when Alex finished.

            Alex grinned, “Thank you,” she said as Nick's other brother, ten year old Thomas, walked into the lab.

            “What are you guys doing?” Thomas asked, walking over and standing next to Alex.

            David nodded to Alex, “She fixed that heat detector you melted last week.”

            “I didn't melt it,” Thomas protested. “You pushed me.”

            David shook his head, “No. You're just a major klutz.”

            Thomas pouted and Alex patted his should, “I'm sure you didn't mean to do it,” she said.

            Thomas shook his head and Alex handed him the heat detector, “Don't break it again,” she said.

            David laughed and Thomas grinned at Alex, “Thanks, Allie,” he said.

            Alex grinned back, “You’re welcome,” she said. “Let's go get some food.”

            David and Thomas grinned, “Let’s go,” David said as he picked up Alex and tossed her over his shoulder before putting Nick in a headlock and walking out of the lab.

* * *

            Nick drove through the rest of the day, not stopping once, and by nightfall they had driven of the “city”.

            Alex turned to look at Chase, who was fidgeting with his gun, “Wake Cal up. Have him do a scan,” she said, before turning back to the four guns in her lap.

            Alex was the youngest and only girl Runner. Seven years ago, she was eleven, her parents were taken by Monsters and she was left to take care of Caleb. Before they were taken, they were Runners and techs for the Rebels. When Alex was twelve, Denzel made her a Runner. Alex was well respected among the Rebels and the best at everything she did.

            Nick noticed the guns in Alex's lap and nodded to them, “What are you doing there?” he asked.

           “I'm using the extra guns I grabbed and I'm taking them apart to build a new gun,” Alex said. “If I do it right, it should have a bit of a kick to it,” she paused. “It was one of my dad's ideas.”

            Nick nodded, he knew Alex and Caleb were continuing their parents work and it was one of the reasons Teracon wanted them so badly. Nick's parents died when he was eight after four Monsters broke into the range. Nick ran a hand through his hair and sighed before grabbing Alex's hand in an attempt to comfort her.

            Alex looked over at Nick and squeezed his hand as she wondered what he was thinking. Nick was her best friend and her rock. He's the only person she would even think about listening to, especially since her parents were taken.

            Alex turned to the back of the car and looked at Blake and Caleb who were trying to look tough. She smiled and looked back to Nick before going back to her work.

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