England: And where have you been?!

America: Ninjas! They were all around me! There were like thousands of them! They all came at me, England, swear!

Enlgand: Mh-hm...

America: And when I found a place to hide, I tried calling you but my stupid phone won't work! Then I got chased by a pack of saber-toothed tigers! Seriously, England!

England: Yup, saber-toothed tigers, yes...

America: And when I used my laser-eyes to defeat them, pirates started coming at me! They had machine guns on them and fired right at me! You gotta believe me, Iggs!

England: Uh-huh... *gets piece of paper*

America: What are you doing?

England: I checked my receipt, and I didn't buy any of your bullsht...

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