Chapter 4

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In the middle of the day I suddenly got a text message

Unknown nuber: hey mitch

U: who is this?

Unknown number: Scott Hoying ;)

U: how do you know my number?

Unknown number: i have my ways Mitchy

U: that's creepy

Unknown number: maybe, but you have my number now too, haven't you ;)

I decided to drop the subject "how does know Scott know my number"and continue the conversation.

U: anyway why did you text me in the first place?

I realised then that I hadn't changed his name in my phone, so I decided to change it to a more fitting name. He couldn't see it anyway.

Blond goddd: is it okay if I come to your house after school to work on that essay?

Wow, he wanted to come over? I wanted to scream with happiness, this was a dream. But then I started to think about the cons. I still needed to clean my room, I had to make sure I smell nice, fix my appearance... A buzzing sound of my phone woke me up out of my little trance.

Blond goddd: Mitch?

U: Uhhm...yeah, of course

Blond goddd: great

U: do you know my address from yesterday or should I sent it to you?

Blond goddd: no I think I know the way ;)

Those winky faces! What does he even mean with them!

U: okay, see you later!

Blond goddd: see you ;)

And again a winky face. I put my phone away and a smile crept onto my face. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. I mean Scott Hoying was coming over to my house later that day! Kirstie noticed it too.

"Why are you so smilely lover boy? Scotty gave you a blowjob or something this morning?"

"Eewww! No stop that. No he's coming over this afternoon to write an essay with me."

"To your house? Wow, that escalated quickly."

"Stop thinking that way, pervert. We're just gonna study!"

"That's what they all say sweety, use protection!"

"Oh my God! You're unbelievable."

Even though kirstie made made some conversations very awkward very fast, I still loved her with all of my heart.

Way to soon school was out and I was pacing back and forth through the living room of my house, while I checked my hair every minute in the mirror that hung in the hallway. I cleaned my room a little while ago and was now waiting for Scott to arrive, who was supposed to arrive in five minutes.

"Honey, what's wrong?" My mom suddenly asked

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"Yeah, so I see. You're pacing back and forth . Did you do something?"

"No I didn't."

My mom sighed and luckily dropped the subject.

I was silent for a few minutes, but I broke the silence after that couple minutes.

"By the way mom, someone is coming over today."

"Oh, that's why you're so nervous. Wait, is it Scott?"


"I cannot wait to meet him!"

"Mom, stop that. We're just gonna study."

"Okay, I'm sorry sweetheart. I won't bother him, if that's what you ask."

"Thank you."

A couple minutes later the doorbell rang.

I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and walked towards the front door. I opened the door and saw that he was looking amazing as always. Behind him was a black Ford Mustang parked. (you get the reference?)

"Hey, come in." I said nervously

He came in, took off his jacket and followed me into the kitchen, where unfortunately my mom also was.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked

"Yeah, sure. I'll just have water or something."

"Of course." I walked towards the fridge to grab two bottles of water and exactly at that moment my mother decided to speak up.

"Hello, I'm Mitch's mother. Nice to meet you. You must be Scott, Mitch told me a lot about you." She said while shaking his hand.

I mentally face palmed.

"Hello, nice to meet you Mrs. Grassi."

"Oh please, call me Nel."

The fact that Scott was so polite towards my mother made my heart melt. He was sexy, sweet, smart, badass but also polite.

"Come Scott, let's go upstairs." I said to Scott while I handed him his water. While we walked upstairs, Scott decided to comment on something my mother had said.

"So, your mother said you talked about me a lot Mitchy." Scott said seductively.

"Oh stop it, don't get any ideas, Scotty" Luckily I walked in front of him, so he could't see my red face.

We sat on my bed with my laptop on my lap, ready to type the essay.

"So what should be begin with?" I asked Scott.

"I don't know. Do we really have to do this?"

"Well unless you want to be in anymore trouble, yes."

"We can also do something else." He said right into my ear.

My breath hitched in my throat. What does he even mean with that.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a shaking voice.

He started leaning in.

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