Chapter 12

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The next day wasn't that interesting. It was saturday, so luckily I didn't have to go to school. I woke up pretty late and had a small breakfast.

I then went upstairs and got ready. And by ready I mean I threw on some black jeans and Scott's blue sweater. It still smelled like him and I just couldn't get enough of it. Suddenly thoughts about stealing his clothes more often cause he's mine now crossed my mind and only the thoughts about that got me all excited

I started wildly dancing to the music that was currently playing in my room and eventually ploffed on my bed with my head next to my phone.

I hadn't looked on my phone all morning just because I didn't feel like it and I was scared the "anonymous" person really posted the picture of Scott kissing my cheek last morning.

But I just couldn't stand the temptation of the idea that Scott had texted me or something similar to that, so I picked up my phone and pressed on the home button.

The screen lit up and I saw that I had a ton of notifications. A few non important ones, but I saw I also had one from Scott still from last night.

Scotty <3 : goodnight Mitchy

My heart swelled at his words, that he even thought about sending me a goodnight text . I immediately felt bad that I only saw his text now.

U: I'm sorry for seeing it so late, but thank you nonetheless. <3

I closed his chat and went to Kirstie's one. I saw that she had also texted me a lot.

Kirstie: what is going on?

Kirstie: I saw that photo that Nicole posted!!

Kirstie: Mitch answer me!

Kirstie: Is he officially your boyfriend now?? ;)

I knew immediately what she was talking about. So the photo was posted. And by Nicole?! That bitch! Honestly I should have expected it. She had the biggest crush on Scott since forever.

How could she be so uncareful though? If I did such a thing as her, I would at least make a new social media account with no name attached to it, so nobody would know it was me. But she wasn't the smartest and it was none of my buiseness anyway. Her uncarefulness was in my favour though, now I know who texted me yesterday all the time.

U: so she posted it??

U: the bitch

When I responded to Kirstie's texts, I saw she went immediately online.

Kirstie: what?

Kirstie: what is going on?

Kirstie: Do I have to beat her up?

I chuckled at her last text. Always protective over me.

U: No, thanks for the offer though

U: she took that photo yesterday morning, on my way and Scott's way to economics. She threatened me with it. She said that if I didn't stop talking to Scott, she would post the photo online so everyone would know about what was going on between Scott and I.

Kirstie: what a bitch! Never gonna talk to her again. Did you tell Scott? Why didn't you tell me?

U: yeah I told Scott, he said not to worry about it and if everyone knows who cares. And sorry that I didn't tell you, I was so worried I forgot to tell you.

Kirstie: it's okay. he's so sweet! How's it going between you guys?

U: uuhm... he's kind of my boyfriend now.

Kirstie: what?! Omg I'm coming over right now and you're gonna tell me everything!!

I knew she'd be here in 5 minutes, cause she didn't live far away from me. I used those 5 minutes to fixate my hair a little bit, but soon enough I heard loud banging on the front door.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi! Open that door right now!"

I chuckled and walked down the stairs. Luckily my parents weren't home. I found a note on the refrigerator this morning saying they were gone to go grocery shopping. That meant I had a little privacy with Kirstie.

I opened the door and immediately Kirstie stormed in.

"Since when!?"

"Yesterday night." I almost immediately responded knowing what she was talking about.

I grabbed two water bottles and sat down on the couch next to Kirstie. We sat a little while in silence before Kirstie spoke up.

"Well, are you gonna tell me or not?"

I took a deep breath and told her the whole story, from begin to end.

When I was done, she grabbed me in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you Mitchy. Just be careful okay? I don't want you to get hurt."

"I promise"

Hey guys, I'm on a vacation right now with almost no WiFi, so when I can I'll try to update.


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