Chapta 1 - Queen biash

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"What the fug," 

Roxi drops her cupcake and it goes and hits the ground as all of the cupcake icing spreads across the floor. "no way Cass you are kidding me oh my god," Roxi screeches at me with a worried look on her face. I look to the ground then back at her and nod at her. As I watch tears well up in her eyes. "I know its true I found out yesterday," I reply as Roxi pulls me into a hug. "just please don't mention this to anyone," I say as we enter the cafeteria of our school

Now like all typical schools There's the popular table, Nerds table, Geeks table. I and Roxi don't exactly fit anywhere. So we just have a table to ourselves. " "oh look who decided to show up.," and this my friends is Rebbeca Heart. Her last name does not suit her at all. Instead, her personality is opposite. She's a monster or as I and Roxi like to call her. Stinging Insect. "what? cat got your tongue?" Rebbeca sneers. "Actually no," I say as I grab a carton of milk and dump it on her hair. "FOOD FIGHT," Roxi shouts. I turn around and look at her with one eyebrow raised. "What? I've always wanted to say that," Roxi says with her hands on her hips. I shake my head and start smiling but that smile is soon whipped off when I feel cold liquid going down my head.

I turn around and see Rebbeca smiling at me with an empty juice bottle in her hand. I smile at her back as I grab a handful of noodles and smash it on her head. "what is going on here?" I whip my head to the side to see the schools headmistress with her hands on her hips. Rebbeca being a drama queen starts fake crying "They *gasp* threw *gasp* milk on me," Rebbeca fake cry's while pointing a finger at me and Roxi. I stare at her in horror. "Cassander and Roxi I can't believe you guys. Detention after school," The mistress says and walks off. As soon as she's gone Rebbeca starts laughing at us. "Haha ooh look losers got their first detention goodbye losers," Rebbeca says as she walks off laughing. "bye Felisha," I hear Roxi mumble under her breath. which makes me starts laughing.

We clean up and then head to our last lesson. Art. "So are you going to the party?" Roxi says to me as we sit down. I look at her furrowing my eyebrow. "what party?" She looks at me with a glare. " Damen's party? Ugh, Cass, you forgot?," I open my mouth to reply but the teacher comes in. so I mouth "later," to Roxi and turn around and try to focus. "Okay, class today everybody wi- The door slams open and my eyes connect with chocolate brown eyes.

The second they connect I know who it is Damen Augustine and his friend Aaron Tyler. Now, these are the bad boys of our school. You know what I mean? Rebbeca- wait no scratch that all the girls swoon over damen and Aaron. It's disgusting I tell you.

"Oh so you guys finally decided to show your asses go along now go sit your asses on the seat," the teacher snaps. They go and sit behind us. While Roxi's eyes widen. Okay so here's the deal Roxi has a crush on Aaron. My poor friend in love with a player.

"Man I promise you I can get any girl to date me," I hear damen say.
"oh really? Hmm, what about -oh no I have a feeling I know what's coming next- Cassandra rose huh? I bet you cant get her," I hear Aaron say. I look at Roxi with my eyes wide open to find her staring back at me.

"Pffttt I'm sure I can okay so if you win you can get my black ops game that you've always wanted and I-

"And if I win I get one of your cars," Aaron finishes.


"You've got two months,"



Oh no. Oh wait... double no I have detention AND I have to deal with this now. Ugh


Hope you liked that.
Sorry if I don't update I have exams.
:( darn you exams. Stop coming in between me and my lovely book writings.

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