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Almost 8 years later, Hope was going to turn 16 and Angel was going to turn 11, Mokuba was 26 and has moved out, Seto was 31 and planning Hope's sweet 16

Hope's POV

I can't believe it....I'm going to turn 16!!! I squeal happily, luckily no one heard me. I text my friends and they were just as excited as I was. "Hope!!" I hear my dad call and I rush into the kitchen. "Yes dad?" I look at him curiously. "What do you want for your birthday?" He asked me. "A new phone, clothes, jewelry, and......just to spend time with my family." I say. The new phone thing.....the phone I have is not even a touch screen! I'm just lucky to actually have friends who don't make fun of me for having a non touchscreen phone. He looked at me sighing and nodded. "Here." He handed me....AN IPHONE 7?!?!?!?! "Is this....mine?" I ask and he nods smiling a little. I hug him tightly smiling. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!" I say over and over again. "Your welcome Hope, you earned it." He smiled hugging back. I let go and smile more. "All your contacts are in your new phone, but I will be watching your web history." He warned and I nod. "Thanks dad, I love you." I tell him hugging him again. "I love you too princess." He smiled hugging back. I let go and the doorbell rang. "I've got it!" I say rushing to the door and opening it. "Hey Hope!" Said Lisa, one of my friends. "Hey, whatcha doin here?" I ask and behind her was my other buddies, Sarah, Mindy, Emma, Alissa, and Kari. "We brought someone else with us." Kari said and the other girls giggled. "Hey Hope, happy early birthday." A familiar voice spoke, and that voice belonged crush Jason. He had red hair and beautiful green eyes, and he was wearing a plaid blue and white shirt, along with blue jeans and red sneakers. "H-Hey Jason.." I stutter out. "Why don't you all come inside and I'll meet you in the living room." I tell them and they nod, walking inside. As Jason was the last one in, he grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it. I blush deeply and he went to the living room. "Hope!" My dad called and I went into the kitchen to see him angry....crap...."Hope, who's that boy that came in with your friends?" He asked. "That's Jason, he's also my friend." I say and he eyes me suspiciously. "You like him don't you?" He asked not happy. I look down and nod. "Yes dad, I do..." I tell him. I hear him sigh. "You can be with him if he likes you back but if he crushes you....he's dead." He said and I look up at him smiling a bit. "Thanks dad." I hug him quickly then rushed into the living room. "Hope, we have to go get your presents...we'll see you later, Jason will keep you company!" Emma shouted and the rest of them left leaving me alone with Jason. Crap! I start blushing deeply..I hope he doesn't see!

Jason's POV

I look at Hope to see her face flushed, is she sick? "Hope, you ok? Your face is red.." I say and her face darkens. "Yeah, I'm ok." She said sitting next to me. I hug her be honest.....I really like her, I just don't know how to tell her.....She buries her face in the crook of my neck, making me smile. "Hope, can I tell you something crazy?" I ask. "Of course, I love crazy!" She giggles, well here it goes. "Hope......I.....I love you..." I confess blushing red. She was a bit shocked, here it comes. "I love you too..." She said quietly, blushing as well. I smile at her and kiss her gently on the lips. She slowly kissed back happily then pulls away. "I love you Jason." She smiled and I kiss her head. "I love you too." I said holding her close. She snuggles into my chest and falls asleep. "Sweet dreams my angel." I whisper then fall asleep too.

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