The start of a bright future

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One month later, no one's POV

Since the day she started singing, Hope has been practicing her singing and has become a true singer. Seto has got her an audition to be on The Voice in America. She was pacing back and forth in her dressing room, she was next. "Hope Kaiba, you're needed on stage." One of the stage crew said and she nodded, going up on stage. The mic in her hand started to tremble but she remembered her father's words that was told to her. "Just do your best, and be yourself. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, I'm already proud of you." Seto's words echoed through her head and she took a deep breath. She started to sing Hallelujah. (Don't know the judges for this year, so I'll just make them my OCs. Don't judge me..) As she continued to sing, she saw one judge, named Demon, turn around. Soon, Jake, Jennifer, and Kai all turned around. Hope felt excitement bubble up inside her but she kept singing. Soon she finished and the roars of cheers from the crowd came from all over. Backstage, Jason, Seto, and Mokuba were crying tears of joy. "You did it my princes. I knew you could." Seto whispered. "That, was truly amazing. I've heard a lot of people sing but not like yours." Demon said smiling. "You must've worked very hard to get here huh?" Jake asked and Hope nodded. "Yes, I did and I'm very happy to be here." she said. "So, where you from?" Kai asked. "I'm from Domino City in Japan." The judges eyes went wide. "Wow, that must've been a long trip." Jennifer said. "Yeah, but it was worth it." Hope smiled. "So, Hope it's time to pick who you want to train with. Will you train with Demon, Jennifer, Kai, or Jake?" The announcer asked. "This'll be hard.." Hope admits. She looks at the judges and spots something special in one of their eyes. "I choose..."

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