A sleepless mom

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Few months later, Hope's POV

It was late at night, and I was soothing little Anna back to sleep for the 6th time tonight....she's been having nightmares lately. I'm starting to get worried for her. I haven't told Jason yet...so I'm on my own for now. I feel ready to pass out any minute.....and finally...Anna went back to sleep. I lay her in her crib then leave the room quietly, seeing it was 5 am...time to start the day. "Hope, what are you doing up this early?" A voice asked, it was dad. I hesitate before answering. "Rather early than never right?" I ask nervously. "Hope, what's wrong?" He asked not buying it. I sigh and look at him with exhausted eyes. "Anna has been having nightmares lately...and she's been waking me up for the past 3 weeks....I'm so tired, and I can't get a break. Ever since Jason has started his job on night shift, I've been taking care of her." I explain to him. He sighed and looked at me with worry. "Go get some rest, I'll watch her." He said sternly. I just nod and go into my room, collapsing on the bed. I pass out without warning...hoping that everything will be ok...

Jason's POV

I yawn tiredly as I drove home from work. My phone rings and I recognize the number, it was Seto. "Hello." I say into the phone. "Jason, you need to come home quick. Hope is exhausted and she needs you." He tells me and I speed up. "I'll be there as soon as I can." I tell him then hang up. I made it home and rushed inside quickly. "Is Hope ok?" I ask Seto worried. He nodded but sighed. "Anna has been having nightmares and both her and Hope are not getting enough sleep." He explained. "Hope didn't tell you because she didn't want you to worry." He said holding Anna in his arms. " I'm taking the week off from work, so I can start being a husband and father to my family." I tell him taking Anna in my arms. "Good. If you need anything, come talk to me so Hope can rest." He said going into his room. I look at Anna with a sad look. "I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you my treasure..." I whisper. Anna looked up at me cooing cutely. I smile at her sweetly and kiss her head. "I'm here now, and I won't leave you anymore." I tell her softly, stroking her gorgeous hair. She got the hair from me. She giggled happily and nuzzled close. I smile more and walk into the bedroom, laying her in her crib. She started to get fussy since she didn't want to nap so I started to sing "Hallelujah" to her. She yawned as her eyes started to droop. I continued to sing until she fell asleep. I kiss her head and quietly leave the room so I don't wake her or Hope. Seto was standing there with a smile. "Thank you.." He whispers before going back to his room. I smile back and nod in response, going into the living room. I lay on the couch and my eyes started to droop...then I soon fall asleep.

Angel's POV

'It's quiet around here..' I thought walking around the huge mansion. I got lost, again...since no one was awake, I was on my own trying to find my room. Dad usually takes me there but he didn't this time, now I know I should know my way around here by now but I really don't. I opened a door, and it was big sis's room...I know I'm close so I open the door across from her room. 'Found it' I thought. I crawled into bed, snuggling into the covers. "Angel?" I looked up to see dad standing at the doorway. "Yes daddy?" I ask him. He walked up to me and pets my head. "I'm sorry I didn't tuck you in, I got sidetracked." He told me. "It's ok daddy, you work hard. I understand." I tell him, as he sits on the edge of the bed. I got up and sat in his lap, snuggling into his chest. "I love you daddy." I yawn. He smiled and laid back onto the pillow. "I love you too my little Angel." He whispered, as I fell asleep. Though it didn't last long...Anna started crying again.

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