The dark room

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Hope's POV

The scent of waffles filled the air and my tummy rumbles loudly, it kinda hurt when it rumbled.....I wonder why...."Hope, your waffles are ready." I hear my daddy say as he handed me the plate of waffles. I took the plate to the table and started eating them, and I'll tell you this, they were the best waffles I ever had! Soon I finished my plate and I handed my plate to daddy. "Wow, you were hungry." He chuckled putting the plate in the sink. "Are you going to eat daddy?" I ask him with curiosity, but he shook his head. "No, I'll eat later." He told me kissing my head. I nod then he starts tickling weakness....I burst into cute laugher and I hear him chuckle, then he stopped leaving me to catch my breath. "The tickle monster has won the battle." He said making me giggle. "I'll get you daddy." I say with determination.....if you're wondering how I know these big words, I read a dictionary.....anyway, after breakfast I decided to wander around the big mansion to get a good look around, but I saw something on a door, a sign that said 'KEEP OUT'. I blink and my curiosity got the best of me, so I open the door......but nothing was in the room but a bed and a window, which made me confused. What I didn't know was that daddy was behind me, and he picked me up making me jump. "Don't ever go in this room." He said with a serious dark tone. "Why daddy?" I ask him "Because, it's dangerous." He told me, then let me down and locked the room up. "Sorry daddy..." I say looking down sadly.

Seto's POV

I look at her then hugged her, kissing her head gently. "It's ok little one, you didn't know." I whisper to her gently. She looked at me blinking away tears. "Are you sure daddy?" She asked me and I nodded, holding her close.

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