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So, I'm planning this page's demise.

Well, rather rebirth.

I think I'm kinda done with the whole Carving Pumpkins thing; it's a very underdeveloped story, and I just have no desire to write it anymore.

Writing is supposed to be fun, and this has become a burden for me.

So, I might keep Carving Pumpkins up for a while longer, but I'm starting a new series very soon that I think will be so much more interesting.

The story is called Era, and it's got to do with all of the different eras; a girl from Bullets, a girl from Revenge, a girl from Parade and a girl from Danger Days.

The girls all meet (via death) and have to team up in the space/time continuum to defeat a villian whose name I will not directly reveal at this time (although it's not so hard to figure out).

But, I do think the concept is very interesting, and the first part will be up soon.

Sorry for ending the story so bluntly, but I may come back and follow it up very briefly after Era.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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