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Not really any smut in this part, but just heavy kissing and fluff oh yes

[good song for this part>>> Cemetery Drive- My Chemical Romance]


"Frank-" I mumbled, cut off by the press of Frank's lips against mine.

We were in a supply closet in one of the vacant (thank God) senior floor hallways. Four days after the night he had sneaked in through my window, Frank had come up behind me at school, put a hand on my shoulder, spun me around, and kissed me. I couldn't protest; just push my lips back against his and make embarrassing little noises of appreciation.

One of Frank's hands trailed up my spine and he knotted his fingers into my hair. I worked to bite back a moan and locked my hands behind his back. Frank was so small compared to me; it wasn't as if he was a midget or anything, he was just a shorter than most guys. Not to mention that it was absolutely adorable that he was the instigator of the action, what with him being so little.

"You're so beautiful," Frank panted into my mouth. "I've wanted this forever."

If I'd still had any blood in my body, it would've been rushing to my cheeks. I smiled against Frank's lips and I felt him take his hand out of my hair and put it gently on the back of my neck, while the other hand was snaked around the small of my back. The kiss soon became more passionate than needy, and I was glad; I was afraid that, if Frank had gone too far, touched too much, then I would lose control of my senses. If I lost control of my senses around Frank, I knew that I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

Frank gently moved his lips against mine and I returned the action. Frank was being so careful, as if was the one who would break like fine china if I was mishandled, which was the complete opposite of the current situation.

After a while, Frank pulled away quickly and sat perfectly still, eyes wide.

"What-" I was cut off by Frank pressing his lips to mine again briefly.

"Shh." he mumbled quietly. "I think someone's coming."

I cocked my head, confused. There was no one coming. I would've known, would've heard...

Click, click, click, click...


Frank flattened his body against mine, pressing me up against the wall as far as the small space of the closet would let us as we haerd the click click click of high heels snapping briskly past the supply closet. I knew from the scent and shrill voice that the pursuer was none other than Ms. Sylph.

Of course.

"Where are those brats?!" She snapped, huffing in frustration and clicking down the hall away from us.

Frank sighed in relief, but all too soon. He took a step back and knocked over an empty plastic bucket, sending it clattering through the empty darkness. I grabbed Frank's arm and we froze, him tight in my grip. Frank squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his lips together, eyebrows and nose scrunching up as he evidently accepted defeat. I tightened my grip on Frank's arm and pulled him swiftly back to me, this time pinning him to the wall beneath me.

I stared at Frank's face, watching his eyes grow wide and his cheeks turn red as we heard the clicking of heels coming closer, slowly, slowly.

"We are so screwed." Frank whispered, voice barely audible. Well, it would've been barely audible for a human.

Frank smiled his half-smile at me and giggled, making me smile. Frank giggled quite a lot, and it was surprising how often I held it together when Frank made me laugh in serious times.

Carving Pumpkins (Frank Iero)Where stories live. Discover now